Werewolf (2)

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I did one a while back in which ____ and Avi were werewolves, so I decided to do another one. You don't have to read the first one in order to know what's happening, though

You were in wolf-form, laying on your side. You were in labor with Avi's pups. He, of course, was your mate.

Avi was in human form, he was by your side, helping you through it.

You whimpered, licking his knee.

"Aww, baby," your alpha mate stroked your fur gently.

Owww, you thought.

I'm sorry, love, Avi replied.

(You and him could read each other's minds)

You began panting, your rear end contracting.

Avi kissed your head, petting your back.

Moving around to be on the other side of you, he stroked down your back to your tail.

"How long do you think it'll be?"

Not long...

He laid down behind you, reaching around you to pet your stomach.

I think the first one's coming.

He sat up, moving to be at your rear end.

Kevin came in, giving Avi an ace bandage.

Avi then wrapped the ace bandage around your tail so your long fur wouldn't get all over the pups.

You whimpered again, shuddering as the first pup was born.

Avi quickly picked it up, smiling happily as he brought it up to your head. You licked it clean, and Avi then moved it so it could nurse. This one was male.

A second pup was then born, and Avi quickly transformed into his wolf form, lifting the pup up. He brought it up to your head and the two of you began licking it clean. "It's a girl," you noted.

Avi happily licked her ear, moving her so she could nurse with her brother.

He then licked your head, making you happily lick his nose.

You tiredly laid back down, closing your eyes.

Avi scanned your body, licking his way down your back before getting to your tail and licking your "area" clean.

He was a very sweet and compassionate mate.

He then laid down next to you.


Waking up a few hours later, your puppies were sleeping soundly, and Avi was laying next to them, gazing fondly at them.

Licking the female's ear, you asked Avi, "What are we going to name them?"

"This is Blue," he licked the female as well.

"How about this big guy?" You licked the male's back.

"You can choose."

"Hmm," you thought.

"I think his name will be Leo."

"Welcome to the world, Leo and Blue," Avi looked happily at his family.


You and the cubs couldn't leave the nursery for a few months, just to ensure their safety.

"Mom, can we go out there yet?" Leo impatiently licked your face.

You growled slightly, "Wait until your sister wakes up."

Suddenly Avi walked into the room, his beautiful dark brown coat looking black.

"Hey, guys," he licked your head happily.

"Dad!" Leo jumped on Avi, trying to knock him to the ground.

Avi simply rolled his eyes, which were still green, even in his wolf form.

Pushing his son away playfully, he curled up next to you, his head resting on your furry back.

"I love you," you whispered, licking his ear.

Avi opened his eyes briefly, "I love you too."

Avi then fell asleep.

Leo, on the other hand, was feeling playful. Instead of sleeping along with his sister and parents, he tried jumping on everyone. This woke up Blue, who simply watched him as he was being annoying.

Leo looked at the patch on your neck that Avi had marked. It was lighter than the rest of your fur, so it really stood out.

He licked it, causing you to move a bit in your sleep, as the area was very sensitive.

Leo then bit your marking harshly, causing you to whimper and jump, waking up.

With you in distress, Avi quickly woke up as well, just to see you in pain.

The mark he had left on you was bleeding slightly, and he quickly rushed to your side, easing you to lay down.

Licking his marking on you carefully, he soothed you.

Leo trotted back over, about to bite your mark again, but Avi quickly grabbed him by his scruff, firmly sitting him on the ground.

"Don't do that," he growled.


"That is my marking on your mother, which shows that she is my mate. That area is very sensitive, and you cannot do that because it hurts."

Leo lowered his tail, his head lowering as well.

"Good boy," Avi licked his head.

Blue was watching the interaction closely. She was destined to be a beta.

Leo was following his father's footsteps, already acting like an alpha.

"I love you guys," Avi suddenly spoke up.

"Would you guys like to out and meet everyone else?" He asked.

"Yes!" Blue and Leo happily jumped up and down, their puppy fur flowing gracefully with their movements.

"Okay, let's go," Avi led the three of you out of the nursery, seeing all the other wolves.


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