Waiting (PG-13)

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Uhm, PG-13? Suggestive content.. Slight smut but eh? (idk)

You nestled your head into Avi's shoulder as the movie began coming to an end.

He smiled and kissed the top of your head, pulling you even closer to him by your waist. Giggling, you climbed into his lap, attaching your lips to his.

He kissed back almost hungrily, running his tongue over your bottom lip gently. You groaned slightly, and he ran his hand over your butt before tugging at your shirt, trying to pull it over your head.

You allowed him to, and he started kissing your neck. He trailed his lips down your jawline, your neck, reaching your collarbones. He left a few hickies here and there.

Suddenly, he reached his hand up your back, undoing your bra. He brought your boob into his mouth, kissing softly. His hand carefully caressed your other breast as he massaged the other with his mouth.

You moaned slightly, and pulled yourself away from him. Avi's hands ran down your body, and you kissed his jawline passionately. He groaned into your body, making it rumble.

Eventually he simple cupped your breasts in his hands, gazing at them lovingly.

"Y-you're weird.." you whispered, "also baby, we need to stop. I thought we were waiting until we got married.

He smiled, nodding, "I know, sweetheart. I love you."

He leaned in carefully, pressing a kiss to your nipple, before pulling away and pressing another to the other one.

"I love you too, Avi."

You blushed before moving off his lap, sitting next to him. Your heart was racing and you could see him slightly shuddering. 

Avi always had a difficult time controlling himself around you, and the fact that his jeans were tight was not  helping.

You gazed slightly at his obvious arousal before blushing and looking away, biting your lip.

You saw Avi trying to gain control of his breathing, and scooted up close to him, taking his hand in yours. You quickly slipped your shirt back over your head before leaning into him, taking in his masculine smell.

"I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too, Avriel."

A/N So I am planning on making a part 2 to my previous chapter, so stay tuned. 


BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora