Terrified (2)

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Living with Avi was very good for you. Of course, there were times when he would accidentally scare the living shit out of you, but he was amazing.

2 years later.

It was your birthday, and you had all your friends over.

Avi was planning something special, but you didn't know about it.

Every so often, someone would suddenly hug you or something that involved a lot of physical contact, and this scared you, of course, because even though you weren't attracted to these people, your past boyfriends had inflicted permanent damage on you, which you never thought could be fixed.

One example of this was when one of your high school friends ran up to you, squeezing you tightly. You felt a cold sweat coming on, and your breathing got rapid.

Getting out of her grasp, you fell to the ground, landing on your knees, your face in your hands, crying slightly.

Avi immediately rushed over to you.

"Avi, I don't think you should touch her right now," your mother told him.

Avi shook his head, getting on the ground with you.

He whispered in your ear, "Shh, love, it's okay.."

Rubbing circles on your back, he pulled you into his lap, where you latched onto his shoulders and neck.

Holding you close, he calmed you down, and your tears subsided.

"I'm sorry, guys," you said.

"It's okay!" Everyone replied.

Looking up at Avi, he smiled proudly and kissed your forehead.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

After a while, Avi got everyone's attention.

"Excuse me, everyone? I have something I need to do."

Everyone looked at him.

"I'm so proud of my love, ____. She has come so far within the time we've been together, and I really love her. I love her so much, even though out relationship used to be much different."

He turned to you.

"I'd love to spend the rest of my life with her."

Avi got down on one knee, and people gasped.

"____, my darling, my everything, my one true love. I would love it if you were my wife. Will you marry me?"

You were crying at this point, your hands covering your mouth.

You nodded your head, "Yes!"

You then jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly and happily.

Avi pressed his lips to yours sweetly, making everyone go "aww."

You giggled, kissing his lips once more.

"I love you," you whispered.

"As do I."

1 year later.

You walked down the aisle slowly.

There were so many people, but you didn't pay any attention to them. You were watching your beautiful soon-to-be husband.

Once you got to him, the two of you said your vows and such.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Avi cupped your cheeks, leaning down to kiss you.

Your arms wrapped around his waist, holding him close.

The kiss was passionate, and it felt amazing to be kissing your husband.

He's actually mine now," you thought as he broke the kiss.

Walking back down the aisle together, hand in hand, you waved at all your friends, and, of course, your parents.


On the plane to your honeymoon destination, Avi was constantly holding your hand or kissing some part of your body.

You loved the affection, and luckily there wasn't anyone around you. It was a pretty late flight, and Avi gifted you with first class seats.

Arriving to your destination, you and Avi gathered your things. Once you got to your hotel, you checked into your room, laying down on the bed.

You watched as Avi sat his bags down, walking over to you.

He sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a kiss.

The kiss was slow, but it was passionate. His hands massaged your hips as you kissed.

Your hands drifted down his torso, rubbing his stomach.

"I love you," you mumbled between kisses.

"I love you with all my heart," he mumbled as well.

Things progressively got heated as he crawled over you, grinding into you faintly.

That night, the two of you made love for the first time.


2 years later.

"Push," you were told.

You were in labor with your guys' first child, and Avi was right by your side, holding your hand.

Your mother was on your other side, talking to you.

As another contraction began, Avi rubbed your shoulders with his free hand, kissing your cheek.

Your mom held your other hand, rubbing your knuckles gently.

Eventually, your son was born, and the nurse handed him to Avi, who promptly brought him to you, resting him on your chest.

Happy tears fell from both you and Avi, who wouldn't stop kissing the top of your head.


"I love you with a passion," you whispered, kissing Avi's lips.

"I love you so much, words can't even explain my love and desire for you," he kissed you again, pushing your hair behind your ears.


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