Best Friends... Maybe More?

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Your POV

Avi had been your best friend for years, and of course you had feelings for him, but you, of course, never believed that he could possibly like you back, especially since he was engaged to this beautiful girl named Brittany (who you were secretly very jealous of), so earlier in the day, when he texted you, asking of you could come over, you just expected a friendly gathering.

You showed up at his house at 7:30, which is when he asked you to show up. You knocked on his door, and when he opened it, his eyes were red and puffy, and it looked like he had been crying.

A concerned expression came upon your face, and you looked at him, worried. "Avi, are you okay?" He took you into his arms immediately, and you were shocked for a minute, but you hugged back, nuzzling your face into his chest.

He leaned his head on top of yours, and you felt him quivering, you realized he was beginning to cry. You always knew he was very sensitive, but you had never seen him so vulnerable.

You pulled away from the hug for a moment, his arms still around your waist, to wipe the tears from his face. You then pulled him back inside his house, closing his front door.

You pulled him over to his couch, making him sit down, as he was still crying. "Shh, sweetie, what's wrong?" You gently asked, taking his hands in yours.

"S-she.." He began, but stopped, only crying more.

This made you very sad, and you really hated seeing him so sad. "It's okay, Avs, you can tell me when you're ready. If you need to, you can type it out. Do you want to do that?" You offered.

Avi slowly nodded his head. You saw his phone on the coffee table and handed it to him. He took it and started typing out a text message to you.

You read the text inside your head, "I'm really sorry, ____. I don't want you to see me like this, but I needed someone. Anyway, Brittany cheated on me. She told me I was a 'wimp' because I wouldn't have sex with her, and she never really respected my decisions when it came to things like that. So I aviously broke up with her, and now I feel really vulnerable and broken, and I'm sorry."

"Aww, Avi, I'm sorry. I knew you thought she was the one." Brittany was never nice to you, and however much you tried, she would never accept you and she always insulted you when Avi was around.

Avi wiped his tears away, his face still red. He sighed. "I-It's okay, I found someone else who I feel understands me way better." For a second you thought, 'Hey, maybe now I could have a chance with him,' then you thought, 'But, why would he want you? Out of all of his friends?'

Avi then stood up, taking your hand in his, and he started walking you to his bedroom, sniffling his nose on the way. He brought you into his room and immediately pulled you into his chest yet again. He sighed in content and nuzzled his head in your neck.

You smiled into him, as you missed the days like this, where the both of you would just cuddle, and you were so close. But then Brittany came along, and drove the both of you apart, and you both missed being close to one another so much.

Avi then picked you up, one arm around your waist, the other under your butt, so you wouldn't fall. You blushed, then pressed your face into his neck. He then placed you gently on the bed, him them climbing in next to you.

"You're so strong, sweetheart, and I know you can get past this. Just know that I will always be here for you, whenever you need me. " You reassured him. He nodded his head, then he pulled you to him. He turned your face toward his, and then he kissed your forehead sweetly, giving you a pained smile.

"You're so beautiful," He complimented you. You blushed. "And you're the sweetest man I've ever met." Avi was a very cuddly person, and that was one of the things you loved about him. He pulled you on top of him.

You giggled and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You looked up at him, then kissed his chest. He picked up your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it. By now it was basically a kissing war, you both kissing each other- anywhere except the lips.

Avi pressed a sweet kiss to your neck, and you sighed in content. You pressed a kiss to his jawline, causing him to slightly shudder.

Avi then pressed his lips to your cheek, making you blush. You then moved up, still on top of him, so you could kiss his nose. Avi then pressed his nose to yours, making both of you blush. His eyes drifted to your lips, and you smiled back at him. Avi leaned in slightly, and your lips connected.

Your eyes drifted closed, and you felt butterflies in your stomach. Avi's hands found their way to your waist, yours went to his beautiful hair.

After a while, the both of you separated, and Avi smiled down at you. "I know I just got out of a relationship, but... I was wondering..." He trailed off. You sat up and pressed your lips back to his. "Yes, Avi. I will."

Avi pressed his lips back to yours.

A/N Hello! I finally wrote another long(ish) chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

Love you guys!


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