Study (3)

173 13 2

"You guys are a weird couple.. We're out of here," your friends exited the room, saying goodbye.

You closed the door behind them, locking it, and suddenly two soft but firm hands rested on your hips, lifting you up.


"Shh.." Avi put his finger over your lips. 

You raised an eyebrow, wiggling out of his grasp.

He lifted you back up, holding you above him.

"Avi, we need to study."

He shrugged and nodded, letting you stand on your own.

You pushed him down on the bed, getting out your notecards.

Quizzing Avi, you realized he knew nothing about the upcoming test.

"Av, haven't you studied anything?"

He blushed a little, smirking, "I studied your body. Quiz me on that."

You rolled your eyes, "Okay, what's the measurement of my waist?"

"__ inches."

Raising your eyebrows, you laughed, pulling him in for a kiss.

You attached your lips to his, and his hands wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him.

"You're a weirdo."

"But I'm your weirdo," he smiled.

"I love you too, my bassy weirdo."


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