Don't Touch Me

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You woke up and immediately jumped out of Avi's arms, running into the bathroom. You dove to the toilet, and threw the contents of your stomach up. 

You threw up for at least 5 minutes, and by the end of it, you were shaking.

Flushing the toilet, you closed the lid and leaned against it.

Suddenly, Avi's hand was on your shoulder, and he sat next to you. You whimpered, "D-don't touch m-me.. I'm too gross."

Avi shook his head, "Baby, you are shivering so much. Please, let me hold you."

You sighed, but then your stomach felt terribly queasy again and you opened up the toilet lid, throwing up more.

He grabbed your hair, holding it back as he rubbed your back carefully.

Avi grabbed a hair tie, tying your hair back so it wouldn't fall into the toilet, and suddenly stood up, quickly running downstairs. He got some water for you, along with some Pepto Bismol.

You cringed when you saw the pepto bismol. "Babe, that never works for me.. I always just throw it back up."

He sighed, "I know sweetheart, but please, just try."

You breathed out and stubbornly agreed, taking it.

"See? Wasn't so bad, right?"


"I know, baby. Come here," he pulled you into his lap, holding you close, before handing you the water.

You drank some of the water, and it started to make your stomach feel a little better.

"Can you make it back to bed?" he asked, stroking your cheek with his thumb.

You shrugged, "I don't know," you buried your face into his shoulder.

He mumbled something and lifted you up, slowly carrying you back to bed.

"I love you, try to sleep," he placed a hand on your stomach, trying to relieve it, and fell back asleep.

Later, both of you woke up, and you jumped up, throwing up again, but you sadly didn't make it to the bathroom, and threw up on the floor.

You felt like a disaster, so you just put your face in your hands and cried.

A few minutes later, Avi woke up, hearing you, and he got out of bed and walked over to you.

"Aw, baby," you were lifted up, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

You whimpered, and he placed you on the bed, and was soon on his hands and knees, cleaning up your vomit.

You shook your head, "Baby, you don't have to do that.. I'm disgusting, I should be the one cleaning it up."

Avi sighed, "____, I love you. I'd do anything for you. You aren't disgusting, only your barf is. You're gorgeous, you're my everything."

You got up, shivering slightly, and brushed your teeth in the bathroom.

By the time you were done, Avi had finished cleaning up your mess, and had gotten a bucket, placing it next to your side of the bed.

He was sitting on the bed waiting for you, and you walked over to him, sitting next to him as he stroked your back comfortingly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, I think so.. I'm just cold.."

He wrapped his arms around you, hugging your waist. You smiled at the feeling of his breath on your neck.

He pulled away and kissed the corner of your mouth.

You frowned slightly, "You probably don't want to kiss me, I kinda just threw up.."

"You brushed your teeth, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts," Avi pressed his lips back to yours, kissing you softly. His lips drifted idly over yours, his tongue brushing gently against your lower lip.

Pulling away, you smiled at him, "I really love you."

He grinned and pressed his lips back to yours.

"That's good, because I really love you too."


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