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You, being the idiot you are, fell down your stairs. Of course, you were like 'im fine', but you weren't. You seriously messed up your hip. Putting it off for a week, it only got worse.

"Dude, go to the doctor or something," all your friends told you.

"Fine," you reluctantly caved in, deciding to go. 

You drove to the office, not even bothering to make an appointment, knowing you'd have to wait twelve years anyway.

As you walked in the door, you realized that no one was in the front office.

"Hello?" you called.

After some clomping noises, you saw the handsome man you had had for your last appointment, when you had screwed up your neck from falling the couch. You were only a *little* clumsy.

"Dr Kaplan, are you okay?"

He chuckled, and nodded.

"I was just closing up. Whatcha need?"

You sighed, "It's nothing, I just fell down my stairs."

He shook his head, smiling at you, "And that's nothing? I think not. Well, I'm the only one here so let's go back to the exam room."

You followed him, after he closed the front door, grabbing your hand and gently pulling you back to the room.

"So, what did you injure?"

"That sounded so professional, haha. Anyway, I hurt my hip, I put it off for like a week, you know me."

You and Avi were friends in high school, you crushed on each other, but neither of you acted upon the crush.

He scooted closer to you, he was sitting on a spinny chair with wheels on it (you know, the ones that doctors have, that they act like children with).

"So, where does it hurt?"

Avi scooted even closer. "Please lay down."

You followed his instructions, and laid down on the bed-like thing you were sitting on. You felt his hands on each of your hips, rubbing his thumb over them kindly.

"This one is very swollen," he noted, taking his hand off the not-swollen one.

"It feels as if you displaced it, it feels out of position."

You nodded.

"____, I'm sorry, this will really hurt, but it'll feel better almost immediately."

You gulped. 

"Here," he grabbed your hands, placing them on his shoulder and bicep, "Sweetheart, if you need to, just squeeze as hard as you have to. Don't be afraid, I won't break, I've actually been working out since high school."

You nodded again, and gave him a light squeeze on the shoulder, letting him know he can continue.

Avi leaned down to be eye level with you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

"I'm sorry in advance."

He then put his hands back on your swollen hip and he gripped it, and as he did his work, you almost passed out. It was the worst pain you had ever endured in your lifetime. You whimpered, and almost screamed out at one point.

You began to regain your senses, and you realized you were clutching his arm very tightly. 

Instead of letting go, you loosened your grip slightly, and pulled him closer to you.

"I'm sorry, ____," he pressed a kiss to your cheek, and crawled into the bed next to you.

"I-it's fine, Av," you whispered, before passing out.

You woke back up a few hours later, and at first you were confused, but then you felt Avi breathing, as your head was on his chest.

You looked up, and saw him smiling.

Before you could say anything, he leaned in, and pressed his lips to yours softly.

You kissed him back, your hands wrapping around his torso.

He pulled away, and blushed. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, you're a patient, it's just, I've had a crush on you since high school."

You smiled and shook your head, pressing your lips back to his.

He smiled into the kiss, and his arms wrapped around your waist.

"I love you too, Avi."


BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora