When They Find Out (2)

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"Let's do it later. I'm tired," Avi pulled you close to him again, making him the big spoon-- which he enjoyed.

He smiled into your hair.

"How are we going to tell them? Are we going to post a picture with a caption? Post a video? I have no idea wha-"

"Shh, baby, let's not stress about that now.."

You sighed, turning around in his arms.

"Would you mind going unprivate?"

You shrugged, "I don't really care. I can."

"I think we should start by you making your Instagram public, and then we can go from there."

You nodded, grabbing your phone to do so.

As soon as you did this, your notifications began buzzing again. Putting your phone on silent, you curled back up in Avi's arms again.

When the two of you finally got out of bed, he grabbed his phone and got on the camera.

"Just do what I do," he whispered.

You nodded.

He pressed his lips to yours softly, recording at the same time, he started slight movement in the kiss, making it loving and passionate.

Ending the short video, he pulled away.

"I love you," he kissed your cheek, looking at the video.

He put a caption on it saying, "I love my girl @/____ 😘 Happy 2 year anniversary, love. 💚"

"Is this good?" He asked, letting you read it.

You nodded, "Yep."

"Should I post it?"

You giggled, "Yes."

He pressed 'share' and posted it to Instagram.

Immediately fans were excited.


Aviiii why are you cheating on me






You could do better...

She's so cute

I love you guys 😘

She looks like a hot dog Avi what r u doing

She's stunning :D I'm so happy you're happy, Avi.

Most of the comments were nice, but there were a few fans who thought they owned Avi and that they were going to marry him.

"Hey, can you send me that video?"


He sent you the video, and you posted it as well, along with the caption "I love my baby 💚💚💚 Happy anniversary, bb 😘 @/avi_kaplan"

You posted it as well, and the fans started fangirling on your post as well.

Avi wrapped his arms around your waist, "Happy anniversary," he kissed your neck.

"I'll be honest, I forgot it was our anniversary until you put it in your caption."

He chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Hm should I do a part 3 or are you guys like "omg get over this subject do one about some fluff or something"


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