That's Not Okay

166 19 11

He ruined you.

You didn't know that though. Your boyfriend, Destin, would always abuse you in many different ways.

Once, you were at a bar he had dragged you to, and he went to go grind on some other girls, leaving you to just sit at the bar and awkwardly look around.

Suddenly a bearded man walked up to you.

"Hello, miss, you looked nervous or afraid, are you okay?" His low voice asked kindly.

"Oh- um, yes, I think so. My mind's just wandering. My boyfriend's over there."
You pointed toward him.

The bearded man looked at Destin, raising his eyebrows.

"That one? The one dancing with all those girls?"

You nodded.

"What's your name?" the man asked.

"I'm ____.•

"I'm Avi," Avi reached out to shake your hand.

You chuckled, smiling for the first time in weeks, and reached out, taking his large hand in yours.

The energy that you clearly felt between the two of you was noticeable by him as he raised an eyebrow slightly.

You smiled at Avi as he sat next to you.

"So... why is your boyfriend dancing with a bunch of other girls?"

You furrowed your eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... is he drunk? If he's with you, he shouldn't be with a bunch of other people."

You shook your head.

"But... he always does this. Isn't this what boyfriends are supposed to do?"

Avi looked sad, "Oh, honey..." he put an arm around your shoulders.

Throughout the night, you told Avi everything that Destin had done to you, which led to Avi informing you that everything Destin did to you was horrible. He would mentally and physically abuse you, he would sleep with other people, many things."

"I never thought about it this way," you sighed.

"I'm proud of you for thinking this through," Avi smiled slightly.

You smiled back up at him.

After a second a thought came into your head.

"Wait... I can't go back home with him... he has to have seen me talking to you, he'll punish me."

"Sh, sh, sh," Avi put his hands on either side of your cheeks, "I am not letting you go home with that man. I will take you literally anywhere else."

You nodded, "Um... I really don't want to be with him, can we maybe go to my apartment that I have with him and get my stuff? I mean you don't have to help me-"

"Of course."

After that, Avi led you out of the bar.


"Is that everything?" Avi had gotten all of your things, putting them in his car.

You nodded, "Yeah."

The two of you then got into the car together.

"Where are you taking me?" you asked quietly.

"What do you mean? I guess I'm taking you to my house."

You nodded.


Avi unloaded your things, bringing them into his living room.

"Thank you so much," you smiled at him.

"Of course," he returned the smile.

"So um, where should I sleep?"

"Well, for now you can take the couch, tomorrow I will clean out the guest bedroom and you can move in there."

You nodded.


You laid on the couch, trying to sleep. You were cold and really wanted someone to cuddle with.

At night, Destin would hold you close, and this was the only time he'd ever be gentle with you.

Suddenly Avi appeared, coming out of his room.

"Hey, are you still up?" he asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, I can't sleep. I'm cold and I honestly really miss being held- Destin would cuddle me at night and it was the only time he was ever sweet and gentle."

"Aw," Avi sat down next to you.

Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, he pulled you into his chest, letting you wrap your arms around his torso as your body was calming down.

Time passed, and before you knew it, you were being carried gently down the hall, into Avi's bedroom.

He laid you down on the bed carefully. He kissed your forehead and cuddled you.


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