Don't Leave Me

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I love fluff.

"Do you really have to leave?"

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm so sorry, I wish I could stay with you forever."

It was a week before tour started, and you were dreading the moment your everything would have to leave you.

"Promise to call me every day?"

He nodded, finishing his packing.

"Baby, please don't stress," he came closet to you, "I may be able to convince Esther to let me come with you, which is why I packed your bags last night, while you were sleeping."

You gasped, "Do you really think j could come?"

He nodded, "Esther loves me, I'm sure she'll figure something out."

You jumped with joy, into Avi's arms. You hugged his neck tightly, and wrapped your legs around his torso, as his arms were under your butt, holding you up.

You pressed multiple kisses to neck, giggling.

"You're so cute," he whispered, chuckling.

You eventually pulled away, and he set you back on the ground. He placed his hands on your hips, and pulled you in for a kiss.

Avi pressed his lips to yours with passion, and you kissed him back slowly.

Your hands massaged the back of his neck as you kissed.

He pressed you up against the wall, pressing himself up against you firmly, kissing you passionately.

"I love you," you whispered after Avi pulled away from your lips, but not away from you.

Chuckling, he pulled you up into his arms, and held you as if he would hold a toddler.

"I love you too, baby."

You smiled, and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

He smiled, and placed you down on the bed.

He began to walk away, but you whimpered, and he turned around.

"Babe, I have to pee," he reacted turning to go to the bathroom.

You whimpered again, and dove to the floor, grabbing his ankle, so he was pulling you.

He made his way to the bathroom, peed, and walked to the stairs with you hanging on to him. (k but actually me if i ever meet him)

When he got to the stairs, you reached up toward him, did a grabbing motion with your hands, and he picked you up, his hands under your armpits, and put you over his shoulder.

He purposely almost dropped you several times, and then he plopped you on the couch, and started to walk away.

"I think not," you said, and jumped on his back, sending him down to the ground, and laid on him.

"Owwww," he whimpered.

"Baby, don't try to leave me."

He chuckled, and rolled over, you climbing on his lap.

You sat over his crotch, because why not, and leaned down, kissing his lips softly.


BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now