Rainy Days

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A/N Thank you for 1k reads!

You and Avi went to bed the night before, cuddled up with each other, as usual. During the night, it started raining, but not storming, so you weren't exactly terrified. 

You actually enjoyed rain, just not the storms. You were hoping that the simple, calming rain wouldn't turn into a hellish storm, but you knew that even if it did, your gorgeous fiance would help soothe you. He was an angel sent down from heaven, that worked its way into your heart.

The man woke up before you, and simply held you until you awoke. His beautiful green eyes greeted you, and you smiled into them.

'Hey baby,' Avi smiled, leaning down to kiss your nose.

You smiled at him, and heard the rain. Sighing, you stated, 'I love the rain.'

He chuckled slightly, 'I know, baby, I know."

Avi pulled you closer into his chest, rubbing your back softly, letting you know he cared.

You sighed out in content, closing your eyes.

Suddenly, the rain started pouring, and you could hear it against the house. You opened your eyes, looking up at Avi for reassurance, and he simply pulled you so you were fully on top of him, and he moved his legs so you were in-between them, and he wrapped them around your butt.

You giggled slightly at the position, and began stroking his chest hair softly, making him smile. 

He giggled adorably when you sat up slightly, and cupped his cheeks in your hands, making him look even more adorable. Smiling, you lightly kissed his cheeks.

'I love you,' you whispered.

'I love you too, my darling.'

You smiled cheekily, burying your face in his strong chest. 

Eventually, the two of you fell asleep again in each other's arms, not that either of you minded. You woke back up to Avi lifting you up and carrying you downstairs. He placed you gently on the couch, kissing your forehead.

Avi started walking away, and you whimpered, moving your hand slightly, trying to find him. He simply chuckled, and lifted you up, setting himself under you. You buried your face in his chest, and put your hands on either of his shoulders as you moved to straddle his hips.

He smiled when you leaned up, and kissed the corner of his mouth momentarily. You then wrapped your arms around his neck, and buried your face in his shoulder. He laughed slightly, and stood up, you wrapped around him, and he made breakfast.

Soon enough, you got off of him, and ate the food he had created. He was the best cook, and it was amazing.

The rain was starting to calm down a bit, and it was only sprinkling. Avi grabbed your rain jackets, and threw yours at you, before sprinting out the door. 

Confused, you put yours on, and followed him, just to see him standing in the rain, prancing around like a 5 year old. You laughed and ran out to him, jumping on him, your legs wrapping around his hips, as he grabbed your butt, holding you up.

Giggling, you pressed your lips to kiss, and he kissed you back passionately.

'I love this,' he whispered.

Instead of replying, you simply gave him another kiss.

'And I love you,' you responded finally.

He smiled and placed you down on the ground. Avi then placed his hands on your hips and you put yours around his neck. The two of you then started swaying to the music in your heads. He twirled you around at one point, until you got cold, and he then dragged you back inside.

You both quickly changed into dry clothes, but you were still cold, so he grabbed all the blankets that anyone could ever own, and wrapped you up in them.

'Thank you, Av."

'Of course, my dear."

Smiling, you grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to you, cuddling into his side.

'I could live like this forever,' he whispered.

Me too, you thought, me too.

A/N Just real quick, I'd like to inform you all that I am 17,  not that annoying 10 year old on wattpad.

My name is Abby, and I'd like you guys to know a little more about me. 

-I'm 17

-I live in New York

-I have an older brother named Casey

-I have been a fan of PTX since 2013

-Avi, of course, is my favorite member.


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