Gynecologist (version 1, PG-13?)

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Hmm I want to do 2 different versions of this so here is the first one.

You had a gynecologist appointment, and you were nervous. Not just because someone was going to be poking around in your nether regions, but because your gynecologist was your old high school best friend and crush-- Avi Kaplan.

You arrived at the office, signing in, and you were called back a few minutes.

Walking into the room, Avi smiled at you, "Hey____, how's it goin?"

You smiled, immediately feeling some relief with his presence.

You sat down on the bench/table thing, and he began asking questions, "Are you sexually active?"

You shook your head, "No."

He nodded, "Are you on your period right now?"


After a few more questions, he asked you to change into a robe type thing.

"Is it okay if I do a full exam?"

You nodded, not really sure what that was.

"So I will need you to undo the first few buttons of this, so I can examine your breasts."

You nodded, gulping.

Undoing the buttons, you allowed Avi to see your chest. He came closer, running his hands over them to check for any bumps, while also examining the nipple to see if there was any abnormal discharge.

"Okay, looks good," he buttoned your robe back up.

You flashed him a smile.

"Okay, sweetheart, I'm going to need you to lay here and put your feet in these stirrups. I will be examining your vagina and taking a Pap smear."

You nodded, doing as you were told.

He adjusted the robe, making sure he could see you properly.

Avi took his little tool thing and inserted it in, doing what he needed to do before pulling it back out.

Inserting two fingers into you, you gasped and but your lip as he felt around for any unusual bumps.

"Honey, you okay?"

You nodded, "Y-yeah."

Dammit, you could feel yourself getting aroused.

He eventually pulled his gloved fingers out, "Looks good. You're a great patient, ____."

"Also, here's my number, you should call me," he smirked at you before leaving the room, allowing you to change back into your normal clothes.


You and Avi started dating, and it made your gynecologist appointments much less awkward.

Throughout your relationship, it was always great to have Avi being such a skilled gynecologist, which was especially good during intercourse, as he understood the female body very well.

Every time you two had sex, he would always make sure you went pee right after, because doing that decreased the risk of infections. He was so sweet.

"Babe, did you go pee?" He asked.

You shook your head.

"You should do that," he kissed your cheek.

You tiredly rolled over into his arms, your head resting on his bare chest.

Avi chucked and lifted your bare body up, carrying you to the bathroom. He sat you on the toilet, sitting in front of you on the ground.

"Pee," he ordered.

You groaned tiredly, "Do you know how hard it is for women to per after sex?"

Avi nodded, "Yes, baby, but you can do it, I know you can."

Sighing, you peed, and he brought you back to bed, holding you close.

"Love you," you whispered, yawning.

"I love you too."


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