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"There he is," Vanessa, your best friend, bumped your shoulder. She gestured toward the gorgeous green eyed man who always came by the cafe.

"Shh... don't make a scene," you whisper-shouted.

She giggled, knowing you had a crush on him.

Going to the counter, you greeted him.

"Welcome back," you smiled.

"Thank you, I enjoy coming here," he grinned.

"You want your usual?"

He nodded, "Yes, please."

You quickly put together his order together, bringing it back to him.

"Here," he handed you the money, along with a note, "When does your shift end?"

"In 15 minutes."

"Can I take you out when it's over?"

"Of course," you smiled at him.

He smiled back, going over to a table.


Walking over to him, you gathered your stuff.

"Ready to go?"

You nodded.

He grinned and looked at your hand, offering you his. You took it, giggling and walking with him.

"You go girl!" Vanessa cheered as you left.

You and Avi laughed.

You two started talking a bit more as you walked around.

"Okay, would you like to go to the park?" He asked.

You nodded, "Sure!"

He smiled and led you the short distance to the nearest park.

"It's so beautiful," you whispered.

"Just like you," he muttered quietly- you could barely hear it.

You smiled at the apparent blush that dusted his cheeks.

"Uh-um- I mean-"

"Shh," you pushed a finger to his lips, cutting him off, "It's okay."

She grinned at you.

Leading you to the nearest park bench, he sat down with you.

"So, let's introduce ourselves better."

You nodded.

"I'm Avi. Avi Kaplan. Well, my full first name is Avriel but since people can never say it properly, I just go by Avi."

You smiled, "I'm ____ ________, I'm from (idk insert place) and I live over in that apartment building," you pointed towards the building.

"Really? I live in that apartment building as well!"

"How come I've never seen you?"

"I'm not sure," he thought for a moment, "What floor do you live on?"

"The fourth floor."

Avi laughed, "So do I."

"Are you kidding me?"

You laughed as well.

"What's your apartment number?" he asked.


Avi rolled his eyes, "Mine is 4D. Seriously, how have we never seen each other outside of that cafe?"

You laughed, "I have no idea, but I'm glad we're finally having a good conversation."

"Me too," he smiled happily.


The two of you talked for hours, having the best time of your lives.

"This has been really fun," you leaned against his shoulder.

"It really has. I love spending time with you," he wrapped his arm around you.

You smiled in content, sighing out.

"So, uh," he began.

You turned your body towards him.

"I know we haven't really known each other for too long, but I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?"

You grinned widely, nodding, "Yes! Of course, Avriel."

He pulled you into a hug, "I'm proud of you. You said my name properly."

Giggling, you kissed his cheek.


Heading home, you and Avi held hands again.

Stopping at your apartment, you stood at the door with him.

"I really had a great time," you smiled.

"Same here," he was still grinning.

After a few moments of staring at one another's beauty, Avi spoke up.

"Could I kiss you?" he asked quietly.

"Please do," you replied.

He cupped your cheeks with his hands, coming even closer to you. Leaning in, he connected your lips gracefully and gently.

Your hands moved to rest on his hips, before wrapping around his torso.

Your body felt like it was on fire, the way he affected you was so intense.

Breaking the sweet kiss, he pulled away from your lips, but not your body. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug.

You smiled into his shoulder, giggling into the hug.

"Thank you for letting me call you mine," he whispered.

"Thank you for being mine," you replied.

He chuckled.

"Would you like to come in?" you offered, opening your door.

"Sure!" he seemed excited.

Opening the door, he let you go in first. He followed closely behind, locking the door behind him.

"Thanks for letting me come in," he smiled, not sure what to do with himself.

"Of course. You can take your shoes off if you'd like, and then go sit on the couch."

Avi nodded, doing as you said.

Sitting on the couch, he grinned, laying down.

"Whatcha doing?" you laughed.

"I'm tired now."

"Oh, do you want to go home?"

He shook his head, "No, I want to stay with you..."

You giggled, "Well, if you're tired, you can sleep here."

He sighed, "But I also want to spend time with you..."

"So you want to sleep and spend time with me at the same time?"

He nodded, smiling softly at you.

You chuckled, "Okay. Would you like me to lay down with you?"

He nodded, reaching his arms out toward you.

Usually, you wouldn't sleep with someone (in the non-sexual way) for at least a few months into a relationship, but with Avi- he just made you feel so special and he was so sweet, you just couldn't help yourself, you really wanted to cuddle up next to him.

"Okay, just give me a sec," you ran back into your bedroom, quickly changing into more comfortable clothes.

Walking back out to Avi, you smiled at him, laying down next to him. He immediately wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close, spooning you.

You never felt happier in anyone else's arms.

This man was perfect.


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