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You groaned, sitting up. You had been laying on your bed for hours, and you were getting tired, as it was getting late.

You stood up, your legs stiff from your earlier trip to the gym, and also from not moving for literally hours on end.

You limped over to your closet, gathering clothes to change into, and just as you finished changing, your beautiful boyfriend, Avi, walked into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Hey babe, I'm tired," He stated, greeting you, before taking off his shirt, and climbing into bed next to you in just his boxers.

You hummed, too tired to put actual words together, and smiled at him.

"But I'm guessing you're more tired," Avi added.

You giggled slightly, throwing yourself to his chest.

Avi smiled down at your tired body, and started running his fingers through your hair.

You soon fell asleep, as you cuddled into each other, and as he continued running his fingers through your hair.

He watched you as you slept, but not in a creepy way-- In a caring, loving way.

Avi loved you so much, you didn't even understand. You were literally everything to him.

The sensitive man was almost in tears as he thought about where he would be-- and what he would be-- without you by his side.

He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, while still playing with your hair.

Avi just wished he could hold you all day, he loved when you would rest your head on his chest, and he could just be your protector.

He was your knight in shining armor, and he enjoyed it almost as much as you.

Avi decided then that he should also sleep, so he turned off the light, and rewrapped his arms around you.

* * * * * 

The next morning, you woke up to Avi readjusting your position in his arms.

"I love you," You whispered, making him smile.

"I love you too."

You snuggled up, moving in closer to his head, and buried your face in his neck.

Avi was a teddy bear. While one minute, he could destroy your ovaries with just one bass note, at the same exact time, he could cuddle you to death.

He wrapped his arms around your waist, making you feel butterflies. He then pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek.

You smiled, pulling away from his neck, before he leaned into you, pressing his lips against yours.

You kissed back softly, the love radiating.

He rested his hand on your hip, while the other trailed up and down your side.

You pulled away, resting your forehead against his.

"You're everything," You whispered.

"No, love," Avi began, "You are everything."

A/N I just created this short little imagine for you guys, because I couldn't think of anything else.





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