I'll Always Be There For You

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It was 8:30 pm. You came home, crying. The minute you stepped in the door, Avi looked at you, concerned.

"Aww, sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked, pulling you into a hug.

You sniffed slightly.

"I-I just.." You stuttered.

"Shh, baby, it's okay."

Your tears started running down his bare chest. (Why is he always shirtless in my one-shots?)

He stroked your hair softly, and kissed the top of your head.

"My boss.. He fired me.."

"Aww, my baby, I'm so sorry."

"No, it's just... He fired me because.. because..."

Avi kissed your forehead.

"Because... I wouldn't have sex with him.."

Suddenly Avi pulled out of the hug.

"Wait, what? Are you kidding me? That piece of crap."

He then turned back to you, "Wait, did he touch you at all? Did he say anything to you? How did this happen?" Avi questioned, his eyes turning possessive.

"H-he told me to either fuck him or get fired, and I said no.. And he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back into his office as I opened the door to leave."

Avi was furious at him now.

"Oh my gosh. He didn't touch you in that  way, though, right?"

You shook your head, "No, I would never let anyone else touch me in that  way except you," You told him, making a slight smile appear on his face.

"I love you sweetheart, and I really need to go talk to him."

"Okay, can we do it tomorrow?" You asked.

Avi nodded, "Of course."

You slightly smiled up at him. He lifted your chin up, connecting your lips.

His lips flowed over your own smoothly, causing you to shiver.

He picked you up, and carried you to the couch, where he had been sitting.

Avi sat down, you on his lap.

He brushed a piece of your hair out of your face, "You know I'll never force you into anything, right?" He asked, kissing you softly.

You nodded.

"And that I'll never touch you in that  way if you don't want me to, right?"

You nodded yet again, "Yeah, but you're so gentle, I never mind it when you touch me in that  way."

You and Avi had only had sex together like, three times, but each time, he got more and more gentle with you, as if you were a special snowflake that would never appear again. You and Avi weren't married, but you trusted him enough, and you knew that he wouldn't ever dare leave you if you happened to get pregnant.

Avi smiled at you, "I love you, so much, my darling."

You hugged him softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, burying your head in his neck.

"Please don't let him touch me again," You whispered, almost whimpering.

Avi audibly whimpered, "I promise, my little nugget."

You had felt incredibly violated and abused, and Avi was helping you out so much. He held you so carefully to his chest, he stroked your hair so sweetly, and kissed you so softly.

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