Other Girls

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You walked out into your living room, where Avi was with many of his female friends.

"Hey guys," you greeted.

"Hey babe," Avi smiled at you.

You grinned at him.

You could just see the jealousy in his friends' eyes.

Chelsea spoke up, "So, ____, I see you've gained some weight?"

You raised an eyebrow.

"No, I have actually lost a bit of weight, I've been working out, but thanks for your concern."

Avi sighed, giving you an understanding smile.

Sara was sitting next to Avi, leaning against him, and Stacy was sitting on his other side, her head on his shoulder.

"Come here, baby," Avi opened his arms toward you.

"I think the couch is full," Stacy said.

Avi ignored her, pulling you onto his lap.

"Isn't she going to squish you?" Sara asked, grimacing at your and Avi's love.

"Of course not."

You smiled, leaning back into his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Avi, would you like to go get it on in your bedroom?" Chelsea asked.

Avi nodded, "Oh yeah, ____, you in the mood to make love?"

"Always, babe."

Chelsea sighed, "Avriel, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"Would you like to have sex with me?"

"Nope. I'm not cheating on this beauty."

Lol my one-shots are so exaggerated and like somewhat unrealistic but Avi's hot and there are crazy people in the word so

"Why not? I'm sure I'm way better at deepthroating than her."

TBH I have the song "deepthroat" (you know, by Cupcakke) memorized and I honestly have no regrets

"Nah, she's amazing. Thanks for the offer," Avi tightened his grip around your waist.

"Yeah right. Avriel, how is she not crushing you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um, she's obviously fat, how are you not being crushed?" Chelsea sneered.

"She's not fat, and anyway, are you calling me weak?"


"You were insinuating that I couldn't handle more weight; therefore making me seem weak."

"Shut up."

"Get out of my house," he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You can't make me."

"I'm pretty sure I can," he growled.

"Avi, don't be mean," Stacy and Sara said annoyingly, still leaning on him.

"Get off me," he growled again.

You started to climb off his lap, but he held you back.

"Not you, I love you," he kissed your neck gently.

They were still leaning on him.

"Get off me," he growled, and they then got off the couch, going to stand with Chelsea.

"Get out of my house..." he growled, "And don't come back until you clean up your act."

They rolled their eyes, walking out the door and locking it on the way out.

Avi sighed, leaning back on the couch, closing his eyes.

You gazed at him.

You then leaned into his chest, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for not being like them..."

"You're welcome," you kissed his lips softly.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice," he sighed.

"It's okay... it's not your fault... they're hoes to be honest."

"Yeah.... they usually aren't like that when you aren't around. I think they feel jealous of you and your beauty."

"No, they're jealous because I have you," you stroked his beard slightly.

He smiled at you, "I love you, baby," he pulled you into a hug.

"I love you too."

Avi kissed you sweetly.


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