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Walking out into the kitchen one day, you furrowed your eyebrows. Your newlywed husband, Avi, whom you married not too long ago, examined you carefully, looking concerned.

"What's wrong, baby?"

You sighed out, "I'm late.."

Avi raised an eyebrow.

"My period's late," you clarified.

Avi's eyes widened, "C-could you be pregnant?"

You shrugged, "I mean, what else could it be? I haven't started exercising and more, I haven't been stressed.."

"Do you have any tests?"

You shook your head, grabbing your purse, "Come on babe, we're going to Walmart."

He chuckled and grabbed the keys, following you out the door.

Avi got into the drivers' seat, you got in the passengers side.

Driving to Walmart, you and Avi could not find the pregnancy tests, no matter how hard you searched.

"Avi, ask that lady," you took his arm in yours.

The lady looked at Avi and smirked as the two of you walked up.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked, apparently not caring that you were right there.

"No," Avi began, she was smirking, "I have a wife."

Her smirk faded as she looked at you.

"So anyway, where are the pregnancy tests?"

The lady looked disgusted, "Wait, ugh, you fucked her? She's so unattractive, and she's kinda fat.."

"This woman is the most beautiful being I've ever seen. She is perfect, and of course I would make love to her, I love her with all my heart, so I recommend you bring us to the pregnancy tests."

The lady rolled her eyes, leading you two off.

Eventually getting to them, she walked away huffing.

You picked up several different kinds, just to make sure, and Avi took them from you, carrying them to the register.

"You guys hoping for a baby?" The nice cashier asked.

"Yeah," you smiled at her.

"Good luck," she winked at the two of you.

Smiling, Avi took your hand in his own as he carried the bag outside, putting it in the car.

Driving back home, he immediately ushered you into the bedroom, wanting results.

You giggled, nervously doing several of them.

Avi excitedly sat at the table, "Well?"

"We have to wait 10 minutes," you handed the tests to him.


He placed them on the table and the two of you watched anxiously.

By the time 10 minutes had gone by, there were 2 lines on both, which indicated pregnancy.

"You're pregnant.." Avi said, smiling, as if he couldn't believe it.

Your eyes were wide, but you smiled widely.

"We're going to have a baby," you mumbled.

Avi looked up at you, smiling genuinely, "You're going to be such a beautiful mother," he pulled you into a hug.

You simply blushed.

"Aww, and your belly is going to get all round and cute," he continued, starting to kiss all over your face.

You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck, placing your lips upon his.

He smiled into the kiss, making it passionate.


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