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You and Avi lived together, alone, in the same apartment. (just an fyi)

Avi had recently begun dating this beautiful girl. You knew you shouldn't be jealous, because you were dating James, who was a high school friend, but for some reason.. you were.

This girl, Ashley, always hung out in your apartment with Avi, and you always hid in your room when she'd come over.

"Heyyyy!" she greeted him annoyingly, throwing herself on him as he opened the door to let her in.

They came in and sat down on the same couch as you-- Avi in the middle, you on his left, and her on his right.

"Well, I guess this is my cue to go," you stood up, beginning to walk away, but Avi grabbed your wrist.

"No, ____, you can stay with us, it's okay," he smiled, pulling you back to the couch.

You blushed slightly at how he touched you so gently-- something James would never do.

"Aw, Avi, wouldn't you rather it just be us?" she slammed her lips to his, but he pulled back abruptly.

"Babe, it's fine, she can stay with us, it won't hurt anyone."

She huffed and crossed her arms.

You looked up at Avi innocently, giving him a slight awkward smile.

He patted your thigh gently, making sure to pull his hand away before Ashley saw.

"Why don't you call James? I'm sure he'd like to join us," Avi said with slight disgust. He always hated James, always saying that you shouldn't be with him, that you'd realize it was all a  mistake.

A simple mistake.

You nodded, "Good idea," you pulled out your phone and selected his contact. The two of you hadn't talked for weeks, but you thought that was normal because all your past boyfriends were the same way.

"Hey, babe?" you greeted.

"Fuck off," he grunted.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "What? What are you doing?"

"Leave me alone, I need to fuck this slut. I just met her at the bar. I guess we're over, hahah, toodles."

You hung up, slowly bringing your phone down to your lap.

Avi cocked his head at you, "Are you okay?"

You sighed deeply, "I guess I'm single again."

Avi's eyes widened but you could tell he was secretly glad you were away from that scumbag.

"I'm sorry, are you going to cry?" he asked.

You bit your lip, shaking your head as tears began welling up.

"No, I'm not going to cry."

"You are going to cry."

"No I'm not."

"Sweetheart, you're crying," he pulled you into a hug, not even caring that his bitch-ass girlfriend was watching, glaring at you.

You cried into Avi's shoulder for a while until Ashley tapped on his other shoulder.

"Avi, can we make out or something? I'm bored, " she whined.

"Not right now, Ash, I'm kinda busy."

"Ugh, I can't believe you'd pick that fat-ass over me."

"What did you just say?!" Avi looked at her, his eyes icy.

She rolled her eyes.

"____ is my best friend. My best fucking friend ever, I love her so much, I've known her way longer than I've known you. If you expect me to choose you, a seemingly perfect princess who has no problems at all, over a poor innocent queen who is hurting, you're unbelievable."

"Oh my god, I can't believe you. You'd choose your friend over your girlfriend. You are so fucking stupid, I can't believe I even used you for money and sex, you're not worth it. Goodbye, Avriel, we're over."

As she scurried out of the apartment, you heard Avi whisper, "Bye bitch."

His remark made you giggle.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, pulling you onto his lap.

You leaned your head on his shoulder, "I guess. Are you okay?"

Avi chuckled, "I've been over her since before we started dating."

You laughed.

"Like, I only started dating her because you already had a boyfriend and my parents really wanted me to start dating someone-- they didn't even really care who it was.."

"You would have chosen me?" you asked shyly.

He blushed and looked down at the floor, nodding slightly.

You sat up in his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and leaning against his chest, lifting up his chin with your other hand.

He looked at you with innocence on his face, his gorgeous eyes looking into your own.

You held his chin with one hand as you leaned in, kissing the corner of his mouth.

Avi blushed and pulled you even closer to him, obviously wanting more, as he slowly and gently pressed his lips to yours, making the butterflies in your stomach soar.

His hands cupped your cheeks, holding you close as you began slight movement within the kiss.

As you pulled away you wrapped your arms around Avi tightly.

He hugged back, grinning.


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