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Avi was your roommate, and he was also your best friend.

You loved him so much, but you had a boyfriend. His name was Chris, and he was a pretty good guy- at least you thought he was.

Of course, Chris wasn't too fond of Avi, because Avi was your best friend, and he was also a man- a very handsome man.

One day, Chris came over to your and Avi's house and sat directly in between the two of you on the couch. Not that it was bad... he was your boyfriend, so he had the right to sit next to you.

Avi was aviously uncomfortable.

"So, Avriel, have you gotten a girlfriend yet?" Chris asked.

Avi shook his head, "No... Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you were still going after my girl," he grabbed you roughly, kissing your cheek sloppily.

"Get off me," you physically cringed.

"Nah, you're my girl, I can do what I want."

You glared at him, pushing him off you.

Avi couldn't stand seeing you be uncomfortable, and he figured Chris would stop if he left, so Avi stood up, walking down the hallway to his room.

"Hmm..." Chris stood up as well, "I think I have to pee," he walked down the hallway as well.

After a few seconds, you realized that Chris was unpredictable. You didn't know what he was going to do to Avi. Looking into the bathroom, there was no one in there. You rolled your eyes, knowing he lied to you.

Walking further down the hall, you heard Chris say, "You worthless piece of shit, why do you think she'd want you anyway?" then you heard his fist collide with something.

Rushing to the doorway of Avi's room, you heard Chris say, "I'm going to fuck her and then cheat on her, and you can't do anything about it."

He had Avi pinned up against the wall, And Avi's cheek was bruised, his nose bleeding. He was beginning to cry, tears running down his cheeks. "Ugh, you're such a baby," Chris teased.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" you burst into the room.

Chris stopped in his tracks, looking at you wide-eyed.

"Stop it. Let him go," you said loudly and lowly. 

You must have seemed quite intimidating, because Chris let go Avi, who slid to the floor.

You rushed over to Avi, pushing Chris out of the way.

Cupping Avi's cheek that wasn't bruised, you asked, "Aww, are you okay?"

"No, he's a baby," Chris sneered.

"Get the fuck out of my house," you growled, turning around.

"You can't make me."

"I'm pretty sure I can," you looked at him, furious, "We're fucking over."

You were shorter than him, but you were so mad, you looked super intimidating.

He rolled his eyes, and you quickly kneed him in the crotch.

You then grabbed him by his hair, pushing him out Avi's room.

Following him, you made sure he left the house. You then locked the door behind him.

Rushing back to Avi, you looked at him sadly.

"I'm sorry," you let a tear run down your cheek.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, it's his."

You nodded slightly.

"C'mon," you helped him stand up, slinging his arm around your shoulders.

Carrying him to his bed, you had him lay down.

"Aww but I won't want to be alone," he whimpered as you were leaving the room.

"Shh, I'm coming back, I'll be right back."

You got a washcloth, getting it wet, bringing it back to him, along with some frozen peas.

Crawling into his bed with him, you cleaned his face with the washcloth, leaving it under his nose, which was still bleeding.

Avi whimpered, rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, putting the bag of frozen peas on his head.

"Don't be sorry," he groaned.

You sighed, laying down next to him.

Taking his large hand in yours, you rubbed his knuckles gently.

"I hate him... I hate him so much," you mumbled.

Avi turned onto his side, leaning his head against your shoulder.

"It's okay... we'll get through this."

You nodded, kissing the top of his head.

He smiled and closed his eyes.

"I'm tired."

"Okay, do you want me to go back to my room?"

He shrugged, "Only if you really want to. If you have to, can you get my dragon?"

You nodded, "Okay."

Getting up, you looked for his dragon, but you had no luck.

"I can't find it."

Avi sighed, "Okay..."

"Can I cuddle y- no, nevermind..."

"Hmm?" you sat down on his bed again.

"I was going to ask something... but you probably won't be comfortable with it," he looked down.

"What were you going to ask me?" you got close to him.

He sighed, "I was wondering  if I could cuddle you instead..." he whispered.

"Of course," you whispered, surprising him.


You nodded, laying down next to him.

Avi carefully wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Thank you," he whispered.


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