Meeting The Parents

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Today's the day. You and Avi were finally meeting each others' parents. You had been dating for six months.

Both your familes had agreed to gather together, and you and Avi were driving to see them, as they were about an hour away.

You and Avi both packed your bags, and you got in the car, waiting for him to leave the house.

He finally stepped outside, locking the door, and got in the driver's seat, as you already put your bags in the back.

You rested a hand on Avi's thigh as he drove.

Every so often, he would glance over at you and smile.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too," You smiled at him.

After a while, you spoke up.

"What if they don't like me?" You asked.

Avi sighed, "They will love you. They have to love you because I love you."

You giggled slightly at him, "You're so cute."

Avi shook his head, laughing, focusing on the road.

He finally got to his parents' house, where your parents had already arrived, and got your bags out of the back, you taking yours, even though he insisted he would take them, walked to the door.

He knocked, opening it after a moment, "We're here!" 

Everyone cheered.

Avi took your bags, bringing them into his old room, before coming back out to where your families were.

Avi cleared his throat as your guys' parents sat down on the couches.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs ____, I am Avi, and I love your daughter so much, she is my world, and I'm sure we will have a great future together." He wrapped an arm around your waist.

Your parents smiled at him.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Kaplan, I'm ____, and your son, Avi, is literally one of the best things that has ever happened to me. He is the best boyfriend ever," You leaned into his shoulder, his arm still around you.

For a while, everyone just chatted, him talking to your parents, while you talked to his.

Eventually, they ordered pizza, but since you and Avi had woken up early, you snuggled up on the couch before it arrived.

Your face was buried into Avi's strong chest, his arms protectively around you as you laid on top of him.

Your mom 'awwed' when she came into the room.

You dozed off, smiling.

You woke up to Avi's mom gently patting Avi's shoulder, trying to wake him up, knowing you would wake up if he did.

He didn't wake up to that, but you did.

"Can you please wake him up for me? He's always a pain in that department," She asked.

You smiled, "Of course."

You leaned up to his face, burying your face in his neck as his mom watched.

You pressed a kiss to his neck, then one to his cheek, then his other cheek, then his jawline, his nose, his forehead, and finally, his lips.

He slightly stirred as you were peppering the kisses across his face, but finally woke up when you pressed your lips to his. His eyes shot open, just to slide closed again, as he started kissing back, running his hands along your sides.

You pulled away, laying back on his chest.

His mom, Shelly, smiled at the two of you, "Avi, ____, pizza is here."

Avi's mouth opened in excitement, picking you up, putting you over his shoulder, and walking out to the kitchen, where everyone was.

"You guys are cute," You heard someone say, as Avi put you back on the ground, resting his hands on your hips, moving his thumbs along them sweetly.

Your hands went his chest. Suddenly, you heard your mom speak up.

"Just kiss her already," Your mother said, laughing.

You smiled up at him, and he raised one of his hands, pushing a piece of your hair out of your face, before putting in under your chin, lifting it up as he pressed his lips to yours.

Your hands traveled along his muscular chest and shoulders, and his caressed your hips and waist.

He pulled away smiling, leaning his forehead against yours as everyone 'awwed'.


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