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Warning: Mentions of abuse.

You screamed as he burst into your house.


You never thought you'd see him again, and you really hoped you never met up with him.

Or ever let him touch you again.

"Haha, ____, we meet again," Your ex, Axel creepily 'greeted' you.

"No! Please! Don't touch me, I didn't do anything to you!" You pleaded.

"Actually, ____, you did do something to me. You left me. For that dirtbag of a boyfriend you have. What's his name-- Avi? Yeah, he isn't even attractive. Are you kidding me? What crossed your mind, when you left me, huh?!" Axel screamed, slapping you across your face.

You were pushed backwards, but you didn't fall.

"Actually, he's my husband. And he's way better than you."

 Because of this, he punched you across the face, and you fell back onto the couch. 

Just then, Avi got home, and he walked into the house. 

"Sweetie, whose car is outsi-" He practically gasped when he saw Axel.

Avi dropped his bags, running across the room.

"Did you touch her?! She is my wife, and she's pregnant with MY child! Get out of my house!" He screamed, as your nose was starting to bruise.

Axel's eyes widened, and he raised his hands over his head.

Avi was taller and stronger than Axel, and they both knew it. Axel was always intimidated by Avi, and Avi used that to his advantage.

Axel then ran out of the house, and Avi quickly called the police.

"Yes, his name is Axel Dagfaguse (Idk I typed in random letters), and his license plate number is ********. Thank you," Avi finished, before rushing over to you.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Are you alright? Is our little nugget okay?" Avi frantically asked, wrapping an arm around your waist. You were only 12 weeks along, so it wasn't really noticeable yet.

You nodded slowly, "Yeah, baby's fine, but my face kinda hurts..."

Avi kissed your cheek very softly, examining your face.

"Where did he touch you? What did he do?"

You looked up at him.

"He slapped my cheek.. A-and then punched me in the face," You stuttered out, your tears starting to fall.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm taking the rest of the week off. I don't care, I need to be able to take care of you. The rest of the band will understand. If they have a problem with it, I don't care. You're my everything, I will do anything for you," He pulled you into a hug.

"And if that horrible, horrible man ever tries to hurt any of my babies again, he will pay," Avi added, kissing your lips softly, then moving down to your still mostly flat stomach, pressing a kiss to it.

"I'll go get you some ice, now, babe."

"Thank you," You told him after he came back.

"Of course."

You pressed the bag of ice to your face, still crying, and you sighed out, your face already feeling relief.

"Sweetheart, can we go cuddle? I really want to comfort you right now.."

You nodded, "Of course."

Avi gently pulled you onto his lap, before slowly lifting you up bridal-style.

He stood up with you in his arms, and slowly took you to your bedroom.

"If he touches you, my wife, ever again, he'll die a slow, painful death.."

You smiled up at Avi, as he placed you down on the bed, as if you were glass, and you would break if he wasn't careful.

You laid there, still in pain, with tears running down your cheeks. Avi audibly whimpered, and crawled next to you, trying to give you as much of his warmth as possible.

You placed your head on his chest, and he wrapped his arm around you, as his other hand massaged your stomach.

You sighed in content, and he then kissed the top of your head.

"You have had had quite a day, baby. You need to rest," Avi told you.

Nodding, you wrapped an arm around his torso, the ice still on your face, and you closed your eyes, falling asleep into dream-land.

As you slept, Avi gazed at you lovingly, and constantly pressed kisses to the crown of your head.

"My princess," He mumbled.


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