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You were terrified of Avi Kaplan.

You weren't exactly sure why... maybe it was his super deep voice, or how is beard was so strong... you just found him super intimidating.

"Hey, ____, you're invited to Avi's party," Scott slung an arm around your shoulders.

"Okay? When is it?"

"Right now," Scott replied.

"Okay... I need to go home first, though."

"That's fine."

For some reason you were super nervous to go to Avi's house. You knew he wasn't violent or anything, but all the guys you previously dated ended up being abusive, so you were scared of many men.

One thing that confused you, though, was that you found Avi very attractive, but you were terrified of him.

Sighing, you got into your car, quickly driving home.

After you changed clothes, you saw a little stuffed dragon that reminded you of Avi. Deciding he would like it, you packed it into the bag you were bringing. You then headed out the door.


Ringing Avi's doorbell, he opened up the door quite quickly. He smiled at you and gestured for you to come in.

"Hey, ____."

"Hi Avi," you nervously and quietly whispered, as you felt his breath on the back of your neck.

"The others are in the living room, its right around this corner," he rested a hand on your back, leading you into the living room.

"Hey, ____!" Kevin greeted.

"Hey, Kevin."

It was only PTX that was there, which gave you relief. You didn't like big parties.

They chatted for a while- you joining in casually every so often.

"Oh, Avi," his eyes lit up, "I got something for you."

He looked at you as you reached into your bag, pulling out a little stuffed dragon.

He jumped off the couch, which scared you, walking closer to you.

You tensed up, handing him the dragon.

Avi smiled, examining it.

He then looked down at you and got on his knees, so he was eye level with you.

Opening his arms, he wrapped them around you.

You tensed even more for a moment, before cautiously hugging him back.

The other four were having a conversation of their own.

You relaxed into Avi's arms as you noticed how he was holding you so gently.

He rubbed your back gently, pulling away.

He then sat down on the couch text to you.

Your heart was racing, afraid of what he was going to do next.

Suddenly Kirstie spoke up, "Guys, want to go the club?"

Scott and Mitch agreed.

Kevin said he was tired, and he promptly went upstairs to his bedroom.

"I'm okay, I don't need to drink," Avi stated.

"I don't like being around so many people," you said.

Shrugging, the trio left and went to a club.

Avi turned towards you.

"Thank you for this dragon, really," he smiled.

BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now