It Turns Out Fine

163 19 17

Trigger warning: cancer

It was just a normal day for you, Avi, and your son, Isaac.

You had recently gone to get a mammogram. (If you don't know what it is, it's basically where they make sure your boobs are healthy and shit)

You didn't think anything of it, but a few days later, you got a call from the doctor, and they requested you come in to the office with Avi.

So, you and Avi weren't sure what was going to happen, so you left Isaac, who was 3, with Esther and Darien.

Avi drove you to the hospital, his hand on your thigh as he drove.


"Ma'am, your test results came back. We are afraid to tell you, but it's cancer."

Your whole body went numb. You felt as if you just hit a wall.

You only felt again when Avi wrapped himself you, pulling you into his embrace.

"Not again," you heard him mumble. His own mother had gone through breast cancer herself, and he had helped her through it like the loving person he is.

You began to cry into him, your arms latching around him.

After a while, the doctor explained to you what they found, while Avi held onto you carefully.

Your case wasn't that bad, as they caught it pretty early, but it was still very dangerous.

It was a tumor-like thing right below your breast, you had just brushed it off like it was nothing, but they researched it and found out what it was...

"You are a strong woman," the doctor said, "You can get through this. I know you can. Especially with the support of your loving husband."


Getting into the car, no words were said. Only sniffling and hand-holding.

Once you got home, you crawled onto Avi's lap after pushing him down on the couch. Esther had agreed to watch Isaac for a longer period of time.

"I'm so sorry, love," a tear dripped down Avi's face as he tried to stay strong.

You snuffling, burying your face in his shoulder.

"You will get through this. We will get through this. Baby, I love you."

A tear ran down your cheek. They scheduled a surgery to remove it.

Avi held you tighter, "I love you."

News quickly spread around, and eventually the fans knew.

You weren't trying to hide it from them, but you didn't want them to worry about you. Isaac didn't know what was happening, as he was simply 3.


You were about to go into surgery to remove it, and Avi was right by your side.

"I'm sorry sir, but you have to go into the waiting room now."

Avi sighed and held onto your hand, leaning in to kiss you. He kissed your lips passionately before finally letting you go.


Waking up after surgery, they had allowed Avi to come back to your side.

"Love?" he asked as your eyes weakly opened.

You closed your eyes again as the blinding light hit them.

Avi ran his hand over your knuckles, pulling your hand up to kiss it.

"I love you," you mumbled.

"I will love you forever."


The nurses helped you up out of the hospital bed, helping you out on your normal clothes.

"We can help her out to the car," the nurses told Avi.

"No, I can get her," he wiggles his way in between them, eventually wrapping his arms around you and pulling you up into his arms. He held you bridal style, carrying you out as the nurses surrounded him, following him.

They opened the car door for him, and he put you in the front seat, leaning it back a bit and strapping you in.


You relapsed and got healthy again many times, until eventually, you were officially clean.

After you heard the knees, you wrapped your arms around Avi tightly, not caring that the doctor and the nurse were right in front of you.

He kissed you.

"I love you so much," Avi mumbled against your lips.

"I love you too," you giggled against him.

"I'm so proud of you," he teared up, wrapping his arms around you tighter.


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