The Lion King

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Um... lions? Well you're lions so... have fun

You watched as the future king, Avi, walked along pride rock, watching the lionesses. Catching his eye, you quickly moved your gaze from him, looking at the ground.

You growled to yourself, "ugh, stop it... you used to be best friends..."

Just then, you saw the king- Avi's father, slowly making his way up to the tip of pride rock.

He roared, getting everyone's attention.

"I cannot do this anymore, everyone. I love you all, but I know my son will do a better job. He will bring joy to all your faces, bring the light into your eyes, and have his own cub one day. I have to step down from the throne. Thank you," Michael slowly walked back into the den.

Just then, Avi jumped down, his mane flopping as he gathered the lionesses.

"Okay, everyone. The rules state that I cannot become king unless I get a mate. Any volunteers?"

Everyone looked at you. Your friend Elizabeth pushed you toward him.

The male looked you up and down, nodding. He motioned for you to follow him.

You gulped and did what he asked, following him into the smaller den.

"____. How have you been?"

You blushed (do animals blush?).

"I'm pretty good. How are you?"

"I'm great. Would you consider becoming my mate?"

"M-me? You'd really want me?"

"Of course," he nuzzled his head against you, "Do you accept the offer?"

You nodded, "Yes," you licked his cheek.

He smiled, snuggling against you.

Grinning, you laid down, rolling onto your back. Avi chuckled and laid down next to you, his head on your stomach.


"I love you," he whispered into your ear, licking it gently. The two of you had been "together" for months, but the day had finally come in which Avi was going to become king.

Walking up pride rock together, you followed close behind him.

Rafiki came and did some ritual thing, and your gorgeous mate was finally king... and you were his queen.

"I love you," you whispered in his ear as it finished.

"I love you too," he licked the top of your head.

Honestly this just came to me because I was watching the lion king


BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now