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You woke up one morning, with the worse cramps of your entire life. You whimpered, trying to rub your stomach to relieve yourself. You immediately knew your period had come overnight, and you were really hoping it didn't get everywhere. You sighed. But with your luck, it most likely did.

Whimpering more, suddenly the weight next to you on the bed shifted, and a few seconds later, Avi's bedside lamp was turned on, and he saw you clutching your lower stomach.

"Aww, baby," you heard his morning voice, and you opened your eyes, and a tear began to fall as you looked up at his tired face. He gently wrapped his arms around you, trying to be your personal heating pad. More tears fell from your face.

"Av, you don't want to hold me close.. I'll end up bleeding on you.."

Avi shook his head, "Sweetheart, you're in pain and I want to help. I will help you, just let me."

You nodded slowly and he pulled you closer. He massaged your lower stomach, his hands underneath your shirt. The cramps slowly subsided, and Avi then declothed you and put you in the bathtub, making the water hot. You opened your eyes and saw your period blood all over the front of Avi's pants. You gasped, "Babe, I'm so sorry!"

He shook his head and took the pants off, leaving him in boxers. He got new pants, and sat next to you as you laid in the bath. He massaged your stomach gently, soothing you.

Eventually he pulled you out, and watched you to put on the new clothes he gathered for you. When you were done, he picked you up, carrying you back into your shared bedroom. He then stripped the sheets from the bed, as you totally bled through everything. You blushed as he dragged the blankets and sheets downstairs, and started the washer.

He eventually showed back up with knew bedding, and made the bed. You felt useless. All you did was bleed. "Why do I have to go through this? Why...."

Avi smiled apologetically at you, "I'm sorry, babe, but eventually all of this pain and suffering with be worth it, because one day, we'll make and have adorable little babies."

You smiled back at him as he placed his hands on your hips. He began massaging them gently. You sighed as you felt your cramps starting to come back. You sprinted downstairs, him following not far behind, and quickly took some Ibuprofen. You knew it would take a while to kick in, so you just walked up to Avi and rested your head against his chest. He smiled down at you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you," you whispered. He smiled, "I love you too." He lifted you up by your thighs, carrying you back upstairs.

"Do you want some chocolate?" he asked kindly. You chuckled, and shrugged, then nodded. He smiled and opened the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out some chocolate. He handed it to you and you giggled at him, thanking him. 

"You're the best, baby," you told him after devouring the chocolate. Eventually you got really tired. Bleeding was tiring, you know. You laid your head on his chest, and he stroked your hair until you fell asleep. A few hours later, you wearily woke up, and he smiled, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You giggled as his beard tickled it.

You suddenly felt a stabbing pain in your lower stomach and you whimpered again. Avi slammed his lips to yours, consuming you in the kiss, which wasn't forceful, but not necessarily gentle either. His warm hands roamed your lower stomach, soothing your cramps away.

You shivered under him as he pulled away, pulling you back into his chest.

"I love you baby, never forget that," he whispered into your ear, stroking your stomach.


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