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"Come on, you'll have fun!" Ashley, your best friend, encouraged you.

"Ash, I don't know.. I'm not really into being surrounded by wasted, drunk, horny people.."

She rolled her eyes, "Ugh, you're so boring," she laughed.

You nodded, "Yep, and I intend to stay that way."


Of course, you eventually caved in, and Ashley dragged you to the bar. You didn't really do anything, but soon enough, Ash got wasted and horny, and found some random douchebag to fuck.

You didn't really mind, you tried to relax, since she wasn't there to bug you.

Feeling someone's gaze upon you, you turned your head to your left, and saw a pair of beautiful green eyes.

The man before you had the most gorgeous eyes, and a beautiful face, which was framed by a light beard. His hair was almost to his shoulders, and he was wearing a beanie. He looked as if he had been dragged to the bar as well.

He blushed and darted his eyes back down to his lap. You giggled slightly, and he glanced back up at you hopefully. You grinned at him, and he smiled back.

'he's cute.. he seems sweet,' you thought, eyeing him up and down.

Suddenly, as you were watching the cute guy, you felt someone's freezing cold hands on your hips. Your eyes widened and you gasped, turning your head to see some random dude with a bulge in his crotch-area trying to take you somewhere.

"No!" you whimpered out, and the cute bearded guy jumped up, and pushed the man who grabbed you.

"What the fuck, man?" the creepy man yelled.

"Get away from her!" the cute bearded man said in a low voice.

"Ugh, no one here is any fun," the douche walked away, leaving you and the cute guy alone.

"Are you okay? My name is Avi," the cute guy told you.

"I-I'm ____. I think so.."

Avi could tell you were shaken up, so he offered you his hand.

You took his larger hand in your own.

"Would you like to head out of here and go get some food? I know we just met, but.."

You nodded, "Of course."

Avi walked you out of the bar and into a restaurant. The two of you talked and got to know each other, and eventually he walked you home.

He walked you to your doorstep, "Avi, I had a great time with you. Thank you for helping me," you smiled at him.

"Of course. I love helping and inspiring people."

You looked at your phone. The time was 3 am.

"It's getting pretty late.. do you just want to stay the night here? It would be fine with me, as long as you don't mind sleeping in the same bed as me."

Avi smiled, "Sure, knowing me, I'd probably get lost on my way back home."

You giggled and showed him where he could put his shoes and his jacket.

Suddenly, you heard pounding noises, followed by Ashley's moans.

Avi's eyes widened and you bit your lip.

"I'm sorry about her.. that's my friend Ashley, she dragged me to the bar, and let's just say she got wasted and horny.

Avi nodded in understanding, "Yeah, my friend Scott did the same thing. He dragged me to the bar, and then he started making out with some random dude. I totally get it."

You led Avi into your bedroom, where he would have to sleep, and the two of you awkwardly layed on your bed, as Ash's moans were heard very clearly through the wall.

Taking Avi's arm in your hand, you began tracing the muscles on it gently, running your fingers over his bicep. You then ran your fingers down his forearm, to his hand, where you examined his large man hands.

"Your hands are so big," you whispered, giggling, as Avi watched you fondly.

Suddenly Avi scooched closer to you, and ran his thumb over your cheek. 

"You're adorable," he whispered, blushing.

You blushed as well, and he leaned down, his hand cupping your face, and he slowly pressed his lips to yours. Your hands went to his chest as his other hand went to bury itself in your hair. You kissed him back sweetly, slowly bringing his lip into your mouth.

Eventually the kiss was broken, and you smiled at Avi.

"I like you," he whispered.

"I like you too," you replied.


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