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Avi came home one day, you were just sitting on the couch, and he slammed the front door shut, locking it again after it closed.

You raised your eyebrows as he stormed across the room, quickly giving you a peck on the lips before running to the bathroom, then excusing himself upstairs. You got slightly nervous, as Avi was always very intimidating when he was mad.

You gave him about 10 minutes to himself, hoping he'd calm down.

Eventually, you slowly made your way upstairs, to your shared bedroom. You opened the door slowly, and Avi glanced at you, before turning back to his work. You walked over to him, and placed your hand on his shoulder. 

He simply shrugged your hand off his shoulder. You sighed. "Are you okay?" you asked quietly. "Ugh," he simply responded. You sighed again, placing a hand on his shoulder again.

Avi whipped around in his chair, accidentally shoving you. 

You fell back onto your butt. You felt tears forming.. You know he'd never intentionally push or hurt you, but he did, even though he didn't mean to. You saw Avi's eyes soften, and he looked worried for you.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He was suddenly on his hands and knees next to you. A tear fell from your eyes as he pulled you into his lap, forgetting that he was even ever mad. He cradled you, holding you close.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you," he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I-it's okay," you whispered, burying your face in his chest.

He lifted you up onto the bed, quickly putting his work away, before climbing in bed after you. Avi gently pressed a kiss to your lips, before smiling and pulling away.

A/N So I know these have been getting shorter and more generic, but I want you guys to know that I am working on my other fanfics, and new chapters should be out #soon.


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