When You're Sick

251 13 3

Mention of blood

You woke up, freezing. You felt like you were going to throw up, but after a few minutes, that feeling went away. You still felt like you were freezing to death, though, so you turned around and buried yourself in Avi's back.

Avi must have felt you and he woke up after a few minutes. "Babe? Are you okay? Oh my gosh, you're burning up."

"I-I don't feel so good," You whimpered.

You looked over at the time. It said 8:30. 

"Come here," Avi whispered, pulling you onto his lap, "We need to get your body temperature back to normal," He said, picking you up bridal-style.

He carried you into the bathroom, and turned on the water. The bathtub started filling up, and he undressed you, sitting you in it, and then undressed himself.

Avi joined you in the bath, and moved you so you were in between his legs, your head on his chest. You whimpered, hating the feeling of being sick. He knew this, and began rubbing his hands along your sides, trying to calm you.

Avi then kissed the side of your neck passionately, causing you to close your eyes. He knew you loved this, and began running gentle kisses up and down it.

Eventually he stopped, and just rested his head in the crook of your neck. You sighed out.

"I'm feeling a little better, babe."

"That's good," Avi replied, climbing out of the bath, getting towels for the both of you, because he had of course forgotten to get them before you got in.

During the time he was gone, your stomach began hurting again. He helped you out of the tub, and wrapped a towel around you, then pulling you into his chest.

You stood with him for a few minutes, more of his warmth transferring into you.

After a few moments, Avi noticed something.

"Umm, babe?" He whispered.

"What?" You replied back.

"Look down.." He replied, and you were confused, but then you looked down, to see some blood dripping down your leg, starting to make a small puddle on the ground.

You groaned, your face turning red in embarrassment.

"Shh, ____, it's okay," He said, pulling you back into his chest.

After a moment, you separated from him. "Can you go turn on Game of Thrones? I'm just going to um.. clean myself up."

Avi softly smiled at you. "Yep," He replied, and walked out of the room.

You wiped up the blood that had gotten onto the ground, and you then wiped up your legs.

You finished, and gathered some new pajamas, putting them on. You then found Avi, as he had done what you said, and turned on Game of Thrones. You also noticed that he had only put on some sweatpants, and gathered all the blankets in the world.

Avi opened his arms for you, and you made your way over to him. "How are you feeling, baby?" He asked you, as you sat next to him. You just groaned. "What hurts?" He asked.

You held your lower stomach, and he understood. He slipped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. He moved your arms away, and pressed his large hand to your lower stomach.

After a while of his hand acting as your personal heating pad, your cramps started to go away, and he pressed his lips to yours sweetly. "I love you, Avi. So much," You told him.

"I love you too, my little nugget," Avi responded, pressing his lips to your forehead.

You snuggled back into his chest, his arm still around your waist, and you fell asleep, as he watched Game of Thrones.


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