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No man ever any effect on you... until Avriel Kaplan.

When you were in high school, you had many boyfriends, yet none of them really had any kind of effect on you-- no butterflies in your stomach when you kissed, no, nothing like that.

Many years later, you met a handsome man named Avi Kaplan. He was an amazing person who treated you right.

"This is ____," he introduced you to his friends, placing his hand on the small of your back.

His hand felt so warm against your back, almost a burning sensation, as if your body was revolting against you and needing Avi's touch.

You blushed due to this, leaning your head on Avi's shoulder.

Your head felt super-hot as well with his touch.

You bit your lip gently, trying to calm yourself down.


"You're so beautiful," he whispered, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear.

Your cheeks burned at the feeling of his hand touching them.

He smiled, cupping your face in his hands, leaning down. His lips drifted over your own softly, making your stomach fill with butterflies.

It was your first kiss with him, and it was all you ever wanted.


The first time the two of you made love, it felt like your body was on fire. The way his lips felt on your body, the way your entire body was tingling...

And of course, afterward, when he held you so gently, and there were butterflies all over again.


"I love you," he whispered, leaning up against you.

"I love you too."

He kissed you softly, making you shiver.

He broke the kiss, smiling at you.

"Shivers?" he asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, but how did you.."

"I get them too."

You cocked your head.

"Every single one of your touches makes me feel like my body is out of control, like it's on fire. Just how you feel."

"I love you," you pressed your lips to his, kissing him gently, effectively giving both of you chills.

"I love you too.. so much."


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