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"Avi, my high school reunion party is next Saturday. Do you want to come?" you smiled at him.

Avi grinned, "Of course, sweetheart. I want everyone from your class to know you're all mine," he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing multiple soft kisses to your neck.

You shivered under him, "I love you, babe."

"I love you too."

You had gotten out of high school ten years ago, and you were wondering how all your classmates were doing.


"Avi, are you ready?" you called to him.

"Yes, babe, I'm coming," he reassured you.

"Will your high school classmates like me?" he asked.

"Of course. Some of the girls might try hitting on you, though, so be prepared. Also, try not to get too possessive when the douches in my class hit on me."

He snorted, "When am I not possessive?" he wrapped an arm around your waist.

"True though."

Avi leaned his nose on yours, before connecting your lips.

You kissed him softly, your hands moving to cup either side of his face.

"Let's go," you said, breaking the kiss.

He nodded before pecking your lips once more.

The two of you walked out to the car, driving to your old school.

"Welp, we're here," you stated, parking the car.

"Let's go meet your classmates."

You walked into the school, eventually finding everyone in the auditorium.

"Hey!" you ran up to your old friends, hugging them tightly.

"Hey ____! How have you been?"

"I'm great! I'm engaged!" you showed them your ring finger.

"Awesome! Who's the lucky guy?"

Avi suddenly butted his head in, "That'd be me."

You laughed and stroked his cheek gently.

He leaned his head on your shoulder, resting his hands on your hips.

"This is Avi. He's my everything."

"Oh my gosh! Avi Kaplan?! The hot dude from PTX?!"

You laughed at their sudden outburst.

"Yep, and he's all mine."

Your friends' eyes were wide open.


You innocently giggled, turning around in Avi's arms and kissing his cheek gently as they watched.

"Um, I'll talk to you guys later?" you told/asked them.

They nodded slightly, staring at Avi.

You smiled and pulled Avi away.

"I've gotta pee, babe. I'll be right back," he kissed your hand before walking away to go find the bathroom.

You walked over to the snack table and started eating some chips.

"Hey baby girl," your ex, Nick, smirked.

"I'm engaged."

"I'm sure he won't mind."

"He's here, and he'll kill you."

Rolling your eyes, you kept eating some chips, before you saw Avi walk into the auditorium. He was immediately mauled by the hoes in your class, and they pushed him against a wall, his eyes wide.

You rolled your eyes again and jogged over to them.

"Jess, Issy, I thought you two were done being hoes."

"Well, we stopped for a while, but we just found ourselves a hot one.." Issy stated.

"Yeah, well, he's mine, so if you don't mind me.."

You shoved past them, taking Avi's hand in yours and leading him away.

"He's not yours! Give him back!"

You turned around, Avi slung an arm around your waist as you showed them your ring, "Actually, he is mine, and I'm his."

They sighed, you giggled, leading Avi back over to the food.

"I love chips," he started devouring them.

You laughed, wiping some of the crumbs from his beard.

"Hey baby girl," Nick greeted.

"Leave me alone," you stated firmly.

"Nah," Nick stated, walking around the table to get closer to you. Avi pulled you closer to himself, his arm still around your waist.

Nick placed one of his hands on your hips.

"Don't touch me."

He squeezed your hip firmly.

"Don't touch me!"

Suddenly, Avi pulled you behind his back.

"Don't touch her," he growled.

Nick's eyebrows raised, his face gone suddenly pale. He felt like an omega compared to the strong alpha, which happened to be Avi.

"Why shouldn't I touch her?"

"She's mine."

Nick rolled his eyes, "Let's share."

"I think the fuck not," you muttered.

"No. ____ is engaged to me, she's my everything. You can just walk away."


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