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You heard the tornado siren go off, and your eyes shot open.

You quickly sat up, and looked at your phone, seeing there had been several amber alerts, but since your phone was on silent, they didn't make any noise or anything.

They were warning you that there was a tornado watch. Deciding that you didn't feel like dying that particular morning, you turned your phone off silent, so the sound was on.

You felt slight relief, as there wasn't a tornado... yet, at least.

You turned on the tv in the room, flipping it to the weather channel, watching carefully.

You knew your sleeping boyfriend wouldn't  be bothered, because, let's be real. When he's with you, he sleeps so peacefully, he doesn't even hear anything... But it is especially annoying when you have to wake him up because his alarm can't wake him.

But that's beside the point.

Avi seemed to feel that he wasn't holding you, so he started reaching near your side of the bed. You smiled down at him, still worried.

He put a hand on your stomach, and smiled.

You decided that he needed to be waken up now, just in case a tornado was spotted and you both had to be rushed to the basement.

You leaned down, beginning to slowly pepper kisses all over his face and neck, smiling into him.

Avi smiled more, and pulled your waist closer to him.

"Avi, babe. There's a tornado watch, you need to be ready," You whispered, running your fingers through his hair.

His eyebrows raised, eyes still closed.

"What time is it?" He asked, his voice even deeper from sleep.

You glanced to the tv, which said it was 2:30 am.


Avi groaned, and pulled you onto him.

"Okay, sweetheart, you can rest, but it is close to being tornado season, so we can hope that there isn't one, but I really wouldn't be surprised if there is one."

Avi nodded, "Okay."

He opened his eyes, finally, and leaned in to kiss you.

After pulling away, he smiled.

"I love you, baby," He said in his deep voice.

You smiled, cuddling into his chest.

Suddenly, you heard your phone go off, and the tv people started warning people to get away from windows, and get to the lowest level of the building.

You picked up your phone, hating the amber alert noise, but thankful for the alert, it said there were funnel clouds spotted, and a tornado was expected to come out of it.

Avi's eyes widened, and he picked you up, took both your phones, and carried you down to the basement.

Luckily, you kept your house warm, since you were always freezing, so the basement wasn't cold, especially since you and Avi had so many blankets, you kept many of them downstairs.

Avi placed you on the spare bed the two of you kept down there. There were blankets, but the bed wasn't super big, which meant you had to cuddle close-- not that either of you were complaining.

You re-plugged your phone in, right next to the bed, just as you got yet another amber alert.


You read it aloud.

Avi's eyes widened, and he pulled you deeper into his chest, as you quickly texted the other PTX members, making sure they were okay, as Avi texted Esther and Darien. 

Scott: ya we're fine. i woke up Mitch and carried him down to the basement, and i also got Wyatt.

Kirstie: Yep I heard. Jeremy woke me up and we went to the basement with Olaf and Pascal.

Kevin: Yes, thank you! I was just about to fall asleep again, but I got this text and rushed downstairs :)

You and Avi put your phones down, and he pulled you into him again, while pushing you against the wall.

He also pulled the blankets over your heads.

"I love you Avi."

"I love you too, baby, and I'm not letting anything happen to you, because we still need our little nuggets. I know we haven't 'created' them yet, but believe me, we will someday, and they will be the best things to walk this planet since you."

You blushed at his words, and he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours softly. He kept kissing you over and over again, not wanting the kiss to end. You could tell he was trying to distract both you and himself.

Avi eventually pulled away, rubbing your noses together. 

"I love you," You whispered, reconnecting your lips briefly.

"I love you too, ____."

He then buried his head in the crook of your neck, and you both fell asleep.

A few hours later, you both woke up yet again, but to another amber alert.


You read it aloud, and Avi just smiled, pulling you back into his arms, and both of you falling back asleep.


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