Bitch (2)

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You and Avi began dating that night, after you had a makeout session.

8 months later, Regina still hadn't known you two were dating, and since she basically invited herself to Avi's house, you came as well. She arrived first, so Avi greeted her at the door.


"Hello, Regina. Welcome back."

"Hello, Avi. I see you have brushed your hair. I might even consider kissing you."

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend."

"Hm. Who else is coming?"

"My girlfriend."

"Ugh. Does ____ know about her?"

"Of course."

"Is she coming?"

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me when I asked?"

"I did."

She looked at me suspiciously.


My doorbell rang, and I hopped up excitedly, heading to the door.

Regina watched as I opened the door, immediately latching my hand with ___'s, as I pulled her inside, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Regina's eyes widened and her mouth dropped opened.

"You little bitch!" She yelled at ____.

My love just looked at Regina like she's crazy.

"You knew I loved him! You knew I had a crush on him! You are a horrible person! By the way, you should brush
your hair."

My blood boiled.

I stepped in front of ____, hovering over Regina.

"Don't you dare talk to her that way," I growled, glaring at Regina.

She rolled her eyes.

"What? Avriel? I could love you better."

"Yeah right. Do you know how bad you make me feel? You make me feel like I'm so less than."

"Well, Avriel, I am a female dominant."

"Well, guess what? I am not a male submissive," I growled.

____ rested a hand on my arm.

"Shh," she whispered into my ear, "I love you, but I think both of you are getting riled up. Be the bigger person."

I complied and moved away, sitting down on the couch.

____ walked right in front of Regina, still towering over her.

My baby was quite a bit taller than Regina, who was 5"2'.

"How could you ever say that you have a crush on him?"

"It was obvious," Regina sassed.

My love rolled her eyes.

"I was giving him constructive criticism."

"No, you were being mean."


"Yes," I said firmly.

"Ugh, I'm out of here," Regina rolled her eyes and left.

By this time, If was 7 pm, and I hadn't eaten dinner.

"Have you eaten, love?" I asked.


"Okay," I made us some barbecue, and we sat down on the couch, eating.

She finished before me, and leaned her head against my shoulder.

When I finished off the rest of it, I put the plate on the coffee table, wrapping my arms around her.

"Will you spend the night?" I kissed her neck.

Pulling away from her neck, I saw her eyes wide.

"I-I would love to but I don't know if I'm comfortable doing it yet because of my last relationshi-"

"Shh... I just meant if you wanted to spend the night... not do anything else.

She blushed, "Oh... well in that case, of course."

I kissed her cheek, nuzzling my head into her neck.

She giggled, "I love you."

"I love you too."

We laid together for a while, just enjoying each others' company.

Suddenly I spoke up, "Hey, baby, did you bring comfortable clothes to sleep in?"

She sighed, shaking her head.

"It's okay, you can wear some of my clothes."

Her eyes suddenly got brighter and happier as she smiled.

I giggled a little at her adorable face, pulling her into my lap.

"You're so cute," I whispered.

"You're so hot," she whispered, staring at my lips.

Smirking, I leaned closer to her, pressing my lips to hers.

She smiled into the kiss, her tongue brushed up against my bottom lip quite a few times- which surprised me, considering she was the one who was afraid to take things any further.

Breaking the kiss, I went to my room to get her some clothes to wear. She trailed behind me, just in time for us to collide as I was bringing the clothes back to her.

"Wha-" she fell backwards, almost hitting the ground, but I caught her.

"Hello there, darling."

She giggled.

I handed her the clothes, and she simply changed in front of me. I was fine with that ;)

I changed as well, pulling on sweatpants.

____ poked my chest hair, giggling.

"Why are you so giggly right now?"

"I don't know," she giggled again.

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Can I comb your chest hair?"

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

She trotted off to get a comb. Meanwhile, I sat down on my bed.

When she arrived again, she got on her knees, crawling between my legs.

____ then began running the comb through my thick chest hair.

She kept giggling as she did it.

"You're adorable," I ran my fingers through her hair.

Soon enough she finished and put the comb on my nightstand.

She then came back to me and ran her fingers down my chest.

"You're so soft now," she giggled.

I chuckled, reaching to feel it myself.

"Wow, it really is," I laughed.

She then climbed up into my bed with me, snuggling up against me.

I sighed in content, wrapping my arms around her.

She then crawled to one side of the bed, laying there, turned away from me. I smiled, moving so I could lay next to her.

I became her big spoon, wrapping my arm around her waist.

I love this girl so much.

A/N omg guys I was rereading my old one shots and omf I'm cringing so hard, how could you guys read them 😂


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