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You got on Facebook one day, seeing you had a friend request from someone who lived in California.

Just as you were about to reject it, assuming it was spam, you looked at the profile picture.

He's cute...

Clicking on the profile, you saw that he was a talented musician who happened to want to be your friend.

You happily accepted, stalking his account.

Suddenly you got a message.


It was the man.


I apologize for just friending you without knowing you, but you're just so beautiful, that I had to

You blushed.

Aww, well, you aren't too bad-looking yourself ;) honestly I've been looking to have some new friends, so it's good that you friended me, haha

You are cute, girl. So, how are you?

I'm pretty good, I recently finished college, now I'm going to pursue the music career >:D

Haha, good luck ;) do you sing or?

I do sing, but I also play several instruments. I was thinking of becoming a choral director

That's awesome! I've always wanted to be a choral director, but I actually went on a tv show called The Sing Off with some friends, and we actually won. Have you ever heard of Pentatonix?

Oh my gosh! I knew I recognized you from somewhere? How is it being famous? ;)

The fans are great. It's so weird to think that I have fans, like, come on, I'm just a bass in an a cappella group

You're a cute bass, though

Aw thank you

Sure thing

Do you have skype?

Of course! I'd love to hear that beautiful voice of yours.


"Hi!" You greeted.

"Hey," he chuckled.

You inhaled deeply.

"Avi.. your voice is amazing."

"Aw shucks, thank you," he blushed a bit, laughing.

You and Avi became best friends over the course of a year, talking every day.

I need to meet you.

You giggled.

I know, right?

No, like, seriously, I need you in my life right now.

Hm? What happened?

I... kinda decided to leave Pentatonix and I don't really know what to do....

Aw, Avi. Why do you want to leave PTX?

We just love so quickly... and I love the Pentaholics but they're going crazy, begging for content. I'm worn out. Please.... can I meet you? Can I please fly you out to me so I can finally see your gorgeous face in person?



Avi did end up booking you a flight, wanting you to be with him as soon as possible.

You were a little scared, though. LA was a big city, and you were all the way across the country.

I can't wait to hold you in my arms :)

You smiled at his adorable text.

I can't wait to be in your arms ;)

You knew Avi had a crush on you, it was obvious. You didn't mind at all, though, because you loved him back.

As you boarded the plane, all you could think of was Avi and how it would feel to finally meet.


You bolted off the plane, rushing to find Avi.

I'm here, we just landed

As you looked around, your eyes landed on the beautifully bearded man who was standing near a bench, waiting.

His eyes lit up and he opened his arms. You ran towards him, landing in his arms.

He hugged you tightly, holding you as close as humanly possible without hurting you.

"I'm so happy," he whispered as tears escaped his eyes.

"I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too."

Avi didn't want to make you stay at a hotel, so he happily invited you to stay in his house with him.

"Kevin recently moved out so he could live with his girlfriend, so the place has been pretty empty," he sadly said.

"Aw, that sucks. I'm here now, though, so.."

He grinned at you, pulling you into one of his couches.

"I'm so happy you're here, you're even more stunning in person."

You giggled, blushing, "Aww, and you're even sexier in person."

He raised an eyebrow, "Am I really?" He smirked.

"You're such a flirt," you scoffed.

He giggled, "but you love it."

"That's true."

You took a slight risk and decided to lean in, kissing the corner of Avi's mouth.

He grinned and blushed again, pulling you closer.

He then leaned in to kiss the corner of your mouth, but you moved your head at the last minute, making your lips mesh perfectly.

He groaned into the kiss, not expecting you to turn your head.

"I love you."


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