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You and Avi were hanging out with a friend, her name was Grace.

I'm sorry if your name is Grace.

She would not stop touching Avi. He just couldn't get her to stop.

She caressed his arm.

"Stop it," Avi whined.

"Why? You know you love it."

He groaned, "No, I don't. why won't you just stop touching me?"

"Yeah. Grace, quit it, he obviously doesn't like that."

She ignored both of you and instead grabbed his thigh. She slowly made her way up to his crotch, and he pushed her away. He didn't push her hard, but it was forceful enough to get her off of him.

She gasped.

"You pushed me!" she screamed.

"Leave. Me. Alone," he growled.

She then made herself cry; she then ran out of his apartment.

Avi sighed and rest his face in his hands.

You rubbed his back gently.

He moved his head slightly so he could see you.

"I'm sorry," you began, "You probably don't want to be touched..."

Avi shook his head, "No, you can touch me. You aren't like Grace, you aren't an actual creep."

You chuckled slightly, "I'm sorry about her."

He rolled his eyes, "Don't apologize just for existing. You know it isn't your fault."

You sighed, leaning against his shoulder.

"I feel bad for pushing her... I was taught to never lay my hands on a woman."

"Avi, that didn't hurt her. Trust me. I saw, and you barely touched her."

He nodded and wrapped his arm around you, closing his eyes.

The two of you just sat there, innocently touching each other.

About 20 minutes later, Grace was back, but she had policeman with her.

"There he is. That's the guy that assaulted me!" She pointed at Avi, who was now leaning on your shoulder.

The policeman grabbed Avi, pulling him from you.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"You are under arrest for assault."

You and Avi looked at Grace.

"Grace... why are you doing this?"

"You hurt me," she made herself sob again.

You rolled your eyes.

The officers began to pull Avi away, but you stood up and walked over to them.


For some reason, they listened to you and stopped.

"How do you guys know she isn't lying?"

The officers looked at each other and shrugged.

"Grace, come here," you dragged her towards you.

Rolling up her sleeves, you saw two bright purple marks on her arms.

Avi's eyes widened and you could tell he felt bad.

Rolling your eyes again, you wiped over the purple, causing it to rub off and get on your fingers.

"It's fake. He didn't hurt her. Look at this," you wiped off more, showing it to the officers.

"Thank you, ma'am," one of the officers said, resting a hand on your shoulder.

You saw Avi raise an eyebrow at him and give him a warning look.

Now, you and Avi weren't dating, but you were always touchy with each other, causing one another to often be jealous when the other touched touched or was touched by another human being.

The officers then released Avi and grabbed Grace. "Ma'am, we are going to have to take you down to the station for falsely accusing an innocent of a crime."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine."

They left and Avi closed the door behind them, locking it.

He sighed and wrapped you up in a hug.

You felt his heart beating so fast.

"I got so scared," he whimpered into your neck.

"Aww, babe," you kissed his shoulder, making his face heat up against you.

"Is someone blushing?" you teased.

"Maybe," he blushed more.

You felt his heart still racing.

"Avi, are you okay?" you pulled out of the hug slightly.

He shrugged, "I don't know... My mind is in so many different places right now, I need to calm down..."

"Shh," you cupped his face in your hands, "let's go to your room and cuddle, will that calm you down?"

He nodded slowly.

You smiled and took his hands in yours, leading him to his bedroom.

Pushing him back onto his bed, you crawled in next to him.

He tensed as you hovered above him, then laying your head on his chest, but he then relaxed, wrapping his arms around you.

"Shh," you whispered, rubbing his chest gently.

He sighed and closed his eyes, pulling you closer.

"Are you okay?" you asked quietly.

He shrugged, "My mind is in a million places right now."

"Really? What are a few?" you mindlessly ran your fingers over his arm comfortingly.

"Well," he began, "I got really scared when I saw the "bruises" on her arms, I thought for sure that I was going to get locked up for life..."

"Aww," you kissed his collarbone gently.

He smiled at the feeling.

"What else are you thinking of?"

He thought for a moment, "You."

You cocked your head, "Me?"


You smiled a bit, "What about me?"

"Just how perfect you are and how you'll probably get some boyfriend soon."

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah right. So many guys are douchebags. There's only one guy at the moment who I'd date."

Avi sighed, "Yeah? And who is that?"

"Promise not to hate me?"

"I could never hate you," he looked into your eyes.

"It's you," you whispered, looking down into his chest.

"Really?" he asked, grinning.

You nodded.

In that moment, he lifted your chin up and pressed his lips to yours.

"I'd date you too."


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