Missing You

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You waited at the airport anxiously, waiting for your true love, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, to arrive.

He had been touring with the rest of PTX, and he had such a hectic schedule, neither of you had seen the other in nearly a year.

You remembered the day he left, and you both were crying, promising that you'd call and text, which you did.

You remembered the text you got earlier from him, saying, 'Miss you, my baby. See you later! <3'

You smiled at the memory.

Avi had left just days after New Years, going on PTX's European tour, which lasted MUCH longer than expected.

You suddenly saw Kevin walk into the room, smiling and waving excitedly at you, before pointing behind him.

Kirstie then came into the room, seeing Jeremy, running into his arms. Then Scott and Mitch walked out together holding hands, because Scomiche.

Then, the most gorgeous man walked out. Avi's eyes instantly found yours, and your eyes started filling up with tears as you ran towards him, jumping into his arms.

"I missed you SO much! I'm never leaving you again," He whispered into your ear.

You smiled, your tears starting to fall and make his shirt wet.

You wrapped your legs around his hips, making sure you wouldn't fall, as he wrapped his arms around your body.

He leaned into you, pressing a sweet, yet passionate kiss to your lips, desperately trying to make up for all the kisses you had missed while he was away.

Avi was the best boyfriend ever, especially when he felt bad.

"I'm going to cuddle you to death tonight, my nugget," He whispered.

You buried your face in his neck, trying to take in the fact that he was, in fact, holding you, and you weren't dreaming.

You welcomed the rest of Pentatonix, and then Avi took your hand, pulling you out to your car, and he got in, deciding to drive, even though you reassured him he didn't have to, he wanted to make everything up to you, so you reluctantly agreed.

"I missed you so much," He told you, glancing over at you for a moment, before focusing on the road, "I missed literally everything about you."

You giggled, "I missed you so much. I missed you kisses, your cuddles, your funny stories, the way you comfort me, your barbecue, your personality, your voice, I could literally go on forever."

He blushed slightly and smiled, pulling into the driveway.

You helped him carry his bags, even though he told you you didn't have to, and opened the front door.

When you got inside the door, he immediately dropped all his bags, locking the door, and swooped you off your feet, carrying you into the bedroom.

"Baby, I missed you SO much. I just loving caring for you, I love holding you, I love protecting you, and I felt like I abandoned you. I was afraid you would be hurt.." He told you, placing you on the bed.

You cuddled into his side, "Aww, Av, that's so sweet, but I'm a grown woman, and I can take care of myself.. Most of the time," You replied, placing your head on his chest.

"I know, sweetheart," He said, pressing gentle kisses to your neck.

After a few minutes, Avi spoke up again, "I love holding you so much.. It's almost as if I feel like I'm your protector, can I be your protector?" He asked, blushing.

You giggled, "Of course. I love it when you protect me."

He chuckled, "Okay, here comes the human shield," He said, rolling you so you were on your back, and he laid down on top of you.

"You can still breathe, right?" He asked, as you just giggled, "Of course. You're not THAT heavy."

He then relaxed, taking in your scent. 

He sighed out deeply, "You smell sooo goood."

You giggled again.

You wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him. You also loved his sensitive side so much. You didn't want him to have to be manly and masculine all the time.

"I love your sensitive side," You whispered into his ear.

"Really?" He asked, and you nodded.

"Hey babe, can I hold you?" You then asked him.

He nodded, "S-sure.."

The then sat up, and moved off of you.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, placing a kiss into the top of his head, causing him to smile.

He wrapped his arms around your torso, cuddling into you.

You pulled his head onto your chest.

"I love you, babe," He told you.

"I love you too."

You removed your arms from his shoulders, and moved back down so he was higher up than you.

He leaned down, pressing the softest kiss to your lips. 

He kept kissing you over and over, not wanting it to end. It eventually had to end, though, because you both needed to breathe.

"I love you so much."


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