Finally (2)

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"I know we live hours away from each other, but... will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled widely, "Yes, yes, yes!"

You wrapped your arms around his neck, grinning happily as you pulled yourself onto him.

He chuckled, burying his face in your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"How are we going to do this long-distance relationship thing?" You asked.

He kissed your lips softly, "We'll work it out."

"I have been considering moving to LA.."

His eyes lit up, "Really? This is great news," he kissed your forehead.

"Yeah... I just don't have enough money for an apartment or anything because I haven't found a job."

"You know I'd love for you to stay with me.."


"Of course. I love you. My life has improved so much since the moment I friended you on Facebook."

"Same here," you pressed your nose against his.

He smiled and closed his eyes, pulling you even closer.

"I can't believe you're finally here.. I've waited so long to be with you, to hold you, to touch you.."

You grinned, climbing into his lap.

He chuckled at this, kissing your neck gently.

The male bit down on your sensitive neck slightly, causing you to moan and blush a bit.

"Enjoying yourself?"

You rolled your eyes, "C'mere," you pulled him so he was hovering above you, as you were laying down on his couch.

He leaned down, placing his lips upon yours.

"I love you so much," you whispered.

"I love you with all my heart," he whispered in between kisses.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," you kissed his cheek.

He smiled, lowering himself on you.

"Can you breathe?" He ensured.

You nodded, "Yep. You aren't that heavy."

He smiled, laying his head on your chest.

"Like boobs or something?" You teased at his face of way too much enjoyment.

"Maybe..." he looked up at you.

You laughed, stroking his back softly.

Eventually, the sleeping man fell asleep on top of you, and you played with his hair, eventually falling asleep as well.


You woke up a few hours later, Avi was staring at your boobs (though you were wearing a shirt..)

"Havin' fun?" You teased.

He chuckled and blushed.

He made a move as though to place his hand on your chest, but he must have changed his mind.

You rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand.

"I know you want to do this," you placed his hand over one of your breasts, letting it rest there.

He smiled and blushed, putting his other hand on your other breast.

"I love you," he kissed your collarbone gently.

"I love you too."

"You do know I love you because of you, right? Not just your body?"

You giggled, "I know.. babe, we talked for over a year before we even touched each other."

He nodded, "That's true."

You kissed his lips softly, "Never let me leave," you mumbled.

"I never want to," he mumbled back.

BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now