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You sat in your seat trembling, as your crazed classmate pulled out a knife.

He stared into your soul. "Garrett? Are you okay?" The teacher called.

"Let's get you out of here," he, Mr Smith, added.

Garrett lunged toward you, yet you were pulled back by Avi, your loving boyfriend, who had pulled you into his lap.

Mr Smith grabbed Garrett, pulling him away and out of the classroom.

"____, you may go to the guidance counselor's office. You seem more traumatized than the rest of the class."

You nodded, standing up off Avi's lap, grabbing his hand to take him with you.

"Not you, Avi."

You looked at Mr Smith sadly, "P-please.." you were shaking, a tear running down your face.

Mr Smith sighed, "Fine, Avi can go with you."

You smiled, still shaking. You tried to walk, but suddenly your legs started shaking too, your heart racing.

"It's okay," Avi whispered into your ear. He picked you up, carrying you bridal-style out of the classroom.

He carried you down to the guidance counselor's office, holding you close. He knocked on her door gently, opening it and coming inside. 


"Tell me what you were feeling when your classmate pulled out the knife," Mrs Stapler asked, her voice kind and reassuring.

"I-I felt super nervous, like my heart was going to pound out of my chest."

Your legs began shaking again. You whimpered, so Avi wrapped his arms around your shoulders, and you leaned into him, resting a hand on his thigh.

"Are you two dating?" she asked. 

You and Avi nodded.

"Yeah.. Avi pulled pulled me out of the way when Garrett lunged at me."

"How does Avi make you feel?"

You didn't even think, "He makes me feel safe, protected, and loved."

She smiled and nodded, "That's a great thing. Avi, do you like protecting ____?"

Avi nodded, "Of course, I love her. She makes me feel almost like a superhero, and she's my princess I have to protect."

You smiled.

"How long have the two of you been dating?" 

"A little over a year," you responded.

"That's amazing, you two get along better than some of my friends and their husband. You two truly have an amazing bond, and I can tell. It's obvious you have a deep emotional connection, and it's great to see that. ____, I can tell for a fact that if you ever need help with anything, you can go to Avi, he loves you, and I know he will take great care of you."

"Thank you," you smiled at her. 

She walked out of the room to go do something, and Avi placed a sweet kiss on your lips.

"I love you, baby," he whispered.

"I know, Av, I know."


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