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You and Avi really wanted kids.

You tried for years, but there was no luck.

After going to the doctor, you learned that there was a very slim chance of you being able to get pregnant- a 4% chance.

Of course, you felt bad because you couldn't give Avi the children that he wanted.

"I'm sorry," you broke down as the two of you got inside the car after hearing the news.

"It's okay, love. You aren't to blame," he wrapped you up in a hug.

"I-I feel s-so bad," you sobbed into your husband's chest.

"Shh," he kissed your neck gently.

"You might as well leave me," you sniffled, "Find someone who can give you what you want," you ran your fingers through his mane of hair.

"I will never leave you," he pulled you even closer, "baby, I want you."

He stroked your hair gently, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.

"Love, we can always adopt."


For the longest time, you weren't sure if you wanted to adopt. Avi understood that you were going through emotional things, but in the end you realized that kids meant so much to Avi, you finally got your mind to accept the thought of adopting.

"Avi?" you looked up at him.

The two of you had been cuddling.


You looked down at his chest for a second.

"I think I'm ready to adopt."

His face grew with the most beautiful smile.

"I love you," he somehow pulled you even closer.

"I love you too."


The adoption didn't take place for many more months because Avi was super busy with his solo project.

The two of you were planning on adopting a baby, so you had been taking special nutrients and vitamins so you would be able to breastfeed.

Arriving to the adoption center, the two of you talked to the woman at the front desk before going out to see the kids.

Though the two of you were planning on getting a baby, Avi spotted a little girl in a sand box. She had dark blonde hair, green eyes, and she was crying slightly. She seemed to be about 5 years old.

Slowly walking over to her, you followed Avi.

"Are you okay?" Avi asked softly.

She sniffed and looked at him with wide eyes.

"I just want a mommy and daddy," she whimpered.

Avi scooted up closer to her, sitting in the sand box.

He opened his arms, offering her a hug.

She immediately accepted it, crawling into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

You 'awwed' at the sight, smiling.

Avi grinned and wrapped his arms around her gently.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" you asked quietly.

"Arya," she looked at you.

You rubbed her back gently.

"That's a pretty name."

BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now