I Swear

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You and Avi were cuddled up on his couch, watching Game of Thrones together. Since you both had already watched every episode, you were watching the first season again- and you were watching a sex scene between Daenerys and Khal Drogo when Kevin walked in.

"I swear, with all this porn you two are watching together, you're going to end up a couple," he shook his head.

"It isn't porn!" you and Avi said defensively at the same time.

"Yeah right. You're still going to end up becoming a couple. I mean, look at yourselves. Avi, you are holding her in a way that is not platonic. I see those hands, mister."

Avi blushed, looking at his hand placement- one around your waist, the other on your stomach.

You blushed as well, smiling up at Avi and lacing your hands through his, which were still around you.

"Do you see the way she is looking at you? It's obvious she loves you, Avi, and you both know it. I know you love her as well."

Kevin then sneaked away with a sly grin, completely knowing he's a matchmaker.

Avi found himself gazing at you, like you were with him, and suddenly, your lips were touching.

Your hands drifted up his chest, reaching his hair. You pulled at his hair tie, letting his flowy mane fall to his shoulders.

His lips drifted over yours slowly, making your face flush and your stomach burn with butterflies.

Soon breaking the kiss, Avi leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes.

"I didn't know one kiss could ever be so amazing," he mumbled lowly against your lips.

You grinned and pressed your lips back to his.

He groaned into the kiss, pulling you even closer. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, right before he bit is gently.

Pulling away, you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I-I have to ask you something. I've wanted to ask this for a while..."

You grinned up at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked quietly.

"Of course," you gave him a brief kiss on the lips.

He smiled, pulling you into his lap.

Leaning into his chest, you sighed out, closing your eyes.

"We can still say 'I love you,' right? Just 'cause we used to say it as friends but now that we're dating-" you rambled.

"I love you," Avi's hand held your chin up.

"I love you too," you kissed his cheek.

He grinned, kissing your neck gently.

Closing your eyes, you smiled.

Avi realized you liked this, so he kissed your neck a bit more, peppering kisses up and down it.

"I love you," you whispered.

He adjusted the two of you so you were in between his legs, leaning back against his chest, and he was behind you, kissing your neck. His arms were also around your waist.

Suddenly, Kevin walked in, just to see the the two of you in this position.

"Okay guys, it's one thing to admit your love to each other, but you are not about to recreate some Game of Thrones porn scene on my couch."

Avi pulled away from your neck.

"Okay, fine..." He stood up, taking your hand in his and leading you past Kevin, sticking his tongue out at him. You were then led back to Avi's bedroom.

"I love you, sweetheart, but I'm not ready to actually recreate any of those Game of Thrones scenes just yet."

"Me neither," you kissed his cheek, giggling.

He smiled, pulling you into a hug.


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