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Avi doesn't drink much, but when he does, it really affects him.

One night in particular, he had been out with Scott and Mitch, and when they dropped him off, he clomped inside the house to find you.

You were sitting on the couch, and he saw you and got so happy.

"_-___, I missed you so much," he plopped next to you, wrapping his arms around you.

He pulled you as close as humanly possible, "I looooooove you," he pecked your lips loudly.

You giggled and he began placing sloppy kisses to your neck.

"I love you, Avi."

He pulled you impossibly close, but you didn't have the heart to push the sweet man away, even if he's drunk.

He then literally licked your cheek like a dog.


"Egg..." he licked your forehead this time.

"Stop licking me!" you giggled.

He then stopped, his tongue still sticking out.

"Can weeee make ouut?"

"Don't you want to make out when you're sober, so you remember it?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm no cause we can make out later toooo."

You laughed as he pulled you in for a kiss. You expected it to be sloppy, but it wasn't, his breath was just terrible.

You kissed back softly, caressing his tongue with your own.

This made Avi moan, and he broke the kiss.

He looked so confused.

"What's wrong, baby?" you kissed Avi's cheek.

"I feeeeeel horn......"

"You feel horn?"

He shook his head, "Noo, hoooorrr-nyyyy. You're saying it wrong, gorgeous."

You giggled.

"You're cute."

"Naaah I'm horn."

You laughed, not being able to control yourself.

He leaned in real close to your ear.

"Youuu make myy dick riiise.."

"Oh my god."

He licked your cheek again.

"Stop licking me!"

Getting out of his grasp, he whimpered.

Laughing, you walked upstairs.

Avi aviously didn't want to be left alone, so he clomped upstairs, following you,

He stripped before he even got into your bedroom.

"Avi, what are you doing?"

"Clothes are iiitchy..."

You laughed, "At least put on some boxers."

"Fine," he looked defeated.

Climbing in bed, he laid very close to you.

"Do youu not like my weeeen?"

You laughed, "What?"

"My weeeeen. Is it uglyy? Do you haate it?" he started crying.

"Aww baby, you know I love every part of you."

"Even myy ween?"

"Especially your ween."

"Yaaaaay," he kissed your collarbone, laying down next to you.

"Will you spooon me?"

You giggled, "Of course."

You then spooned him, and he was happy for about 5 seconds.

"Wait no I wanna spoon you now."

You switched, he was now the big spoon.

"Go to sleep," you groaned.


"Ow, the fuck?" Avi's croaky morning voice woke you up. Now, he wasn't drunk, he was hungover. He only swears when he's drunk or hungover.

"I'll get you some medicine, be right back," you got up, heading downstairs.

Bringing it back to him, he was in the bathroom, barfing.

Setting it on the bathroom counter, you rubbed his back gently.

He soon finished and took the medicine, brushing his teeth afterwards.

"Thank you, love," he kissed your cheek.

Bringing him back into the bedroom, he asked, "So, what weird things did I do last night?"

"Well, you wouldn't stop licking me."

He gave a look of "the fuck?"

"You also thought I hated your ween."

"My what?"

"Your ween."

Avi blinked at you.


"Your dick, Avi."


You laughed.

"You also wanted to make out."

"I still do."

"You also got horny, or as you called it, 'horn.'"

"Still am."

You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

He simply chuckled.

"You also wanted me to spoon you."

He laughed.

"Nah, I want to spoon you."


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