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Avi was meeting your parents for the first time.

It was at their house, you and Avi were driving an hour to get there.

"Mom!" You wrapped your arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"Hi, ____! How have you been?" She asked.

"I'm good," you reached behind you, lacing your fingers with Avi's, who was dragging one large bag behind him.

"Is this the lucky guy?" She asked.

You nodded, looking up at Avi.

He smiled at you, pulling you closer.

"I'm Avi, as you probably know. Thank you for having us here."

"Such a gentleman," your mother noticed, grinning.

Avi chuckled.

Your mother, Sheila (insert your mother's name, I didn't feel like thinking of another name) (also I know you guys don't care, but this isn't my mother's actual name) invited you inside.

Following her in, Avi closes the door behind him.

"Your father will be home in half an hour," she stated simply, "In the meantime, I'd like to get to know this guy," she poked Avi's shoulder.

He smiled at her.

She led you two to the couch, sitting down with you.

"So, how did you two meet?"

"Well," you began, "When we met, it was because I was hired as his personal assistant, but our relationship grew from there."

She nodded.

"We began dating one night," Avi said, "It was a beautiful night, you could see all the stars."

Giggling, you leaned against him as he pulled you closer.


"I'm home," your father, Paul, walked in the door.

"Hey dad," you hugged him quickly.

"Hey, ____," he kissed the top of your head.

Avi stood up, walking over to you.

"You're Avi?"

"Yes, sir."

They shook hands.


"So, Avi," Paul asked, "How much money do you make a year?"

"(Insert amount)"

"Wow. ____, you got a good one. He'll support you. I suppose."

"Ugh, dad, you know I hate it when you only like my boyfriends because of money."

"____, dear, calm down. Avi, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a singer and a musician," Avi reached under the table, lacing his fingers with yours.

You squeezed his hand gently.

"Oh. You're one of those people."

"Hm?" Avi raised an eyebrow.

"You're one of those people who don't actually deserve to have all that money."

"Paul, calm down," Shiela rolled her eyes.

"How dare you talk to my baby like that!" You stood up, still holding Avi's hand, "I love this man more than anyone, and you have no right to say that to him."


Back in your old bedroom, you kissed Avi's lips.

"I'm sorry about earlier," you mumbled against his lips.

"It's perfectly fine, love. It didn't bother me too much... of course it hurt, but I'm okay."

He kissed you sweetly.


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