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"Babe.. I'm been thinking.."

You looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean?"

He looked at you, his eyes filled with tears.

"I-I've been thinking of leaving PTX.."

Your eyebrows raised, your eyes wide.


He nodded slowly, coming closer to you.

"Yes. I can't handle being so far away from you," he put a hand on your cheek, "and I know we really want to start a family together, and that just wouldn't be able to happen with me always on the road."

You nodded, a tear escaping your eye.

"Why are you sad?" he asked, placing his lips upon your own.

"It's just.. I know how much you love Kirst, Kev, Scott, and Mitch.. And you love your music so much. How are you going to deal with this?"

He sighed, "Honestly, I don't know. I also haven't talked to any of the others. I'll probably invite them over tonight, so I can reveal it to them. I have actually been thinking about this a lot, and I know that with my solo project coming out, I'll still do just fine."

You nodded, pulling him closer for a hug.

"How will the fans react? They love you so much."

"I know they love me, and I love them too, and they'll have to understand that I have to do things for myself, not just them."

You nodded, burying your face in his chest.

Avi pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.

"Thank you for understanding me," he whispered.

"Of course. I love you so much."


"So I have brought you all here today to reveal something."

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"I know this seems sudden, but I have thought this through so much, and I have to say.. I am leaving Pentatonix."

Their eyebrows all raised.

Scott's eyes started filling with tears, and he jumped up, wrapping his arms around Avi in a hug.

They were all heartbroken, but they understood. 


"I love you so much, Avi." 

You kissed him passionately, and he rested his hands on your hips, laying you down on the bed.

"I love you too. We are going to be starting a family, so let's just do it now.." he whispered, attaching his lips to your neck.


A/N I am honestly heartbroken that Avi's leaving. I will forever love him and support him and everything he does, but it truly broke me. Apparently, they're recruiting another bass, but Avi can truly never be replaced. When I heard the news I started crying.

Avi, if you are for some reason reading Avi x Reader fanfics, I want you to know that I love you so much, you actually mean the world to me.


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