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Don't worry, I am working on a part 2 to "Adopt"

"I love you," Avi's arms caressed your torso.

The two of you had just finished a wonderful session of lovemaking, and he was being very affectionate.

"I love you too," you kissed his lips gently.

He grinned.

Eventually, you crawled out of his arms and went to the bathroom.

After peeing, you looked in the full-length mirror you had in the bathroom.

There were hickeys all over you- one on your neck, one on your collarbone, one on each of your breasts, and several on your stomach.

You rolled your eyes.

"Avriel?" you called.

"Yes, love?" Avi trailed into the bathroom, still bare, and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"What did I tell you about this?" you gestured to your neck.

He kissed the side of your neck without the hickey.

"I'm sorry, love, but I couldn't help myself. You are so intoxicating," he began sucking on that same side of your neck.

"Avriel," you said firmly, pulling away from him.

"Hm?" He looked down at you.

You turned around, facing him, "My mom is having a pool party later, and I don't want her to think I'm a hoe."

"Baby, you aren't a hoe. You're engaged- to me."

You nodded, "Yeah, but..."

"Shh," he kissed your lips, "Love, she created you by doing the same thing we just did. I don't think she'll judge you."

You cringed slightly, "Babe, I don't want to think about my parents in that way."

He chuckled, "I know. I am sorry, though, baby. I completely forgot about your mom's party."

You and Avi had never actually come out about your relationship. The two of you had been secretly dating for a year, and you were now engaged.

You two said you just lived in the same apartment building, though you actually lived in the same apartment.

"You're coming to the party, right?"

"Do you want me to?"

You nodded.

"Okay, then I'm coming."

"I guess we're finally going to expose our relationship."

"I guess so," Avi kissed your forehead.


"Are you ready to go?" you asked him.

He nodded, throwing on a tank top. He was already wearing his swim trunks.

You were wearing a bikini (as you didn't have anything else), and the hickeys were very noticeable.

BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now