Not Tonight (R)

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You had gone out with friends, only to come home to your loving- and sober- boyfriend, Avriel.

As you walked inside the house you began giggling, throwing your purse onto the counter.

Slowly and dizzily walking over to Avi, you tripped and fell into his lap.


"Hey love," I smiled, looking into her eyes.

"Heyyyy sexy," she giggled, climbing fully onto my lap.

"Whatcha doin there?" I asked, chuckling.

"I think that weeee should fuuck," she slurred.

"Hmm... not tonight, babe."

"But Aveeeeeeee," she whimpered.

"But __________."

She sighed and grabbed my bicep, squeezing gently.

"Heheh," she chuckled, crawling even closer somehow.

I raised my eyebrows as she began grinding against me gently.


She reached down and slowly massaged the growing lump in my sweatpants.


I lifted her up, moving her off me.

"But I knowww you wan it avrieeel," she kissed my neck sweetly.

It was true. I did want it, but I wasn't going to have it.

"I know love, but you don't know what you're doing. I don't want to take advantage of that."

She whimpered, "why won't you just fuck me..."

I was slightly surprised, ____ had never said such lewd things before.

She eventually grabbed my crotch, pulling down the zipper.

I let her unbutton my pants as she slowly pulled them down.

I figured that since I was sober, I'd let her touch me.

She grinned widely as she pulled my boxers down, letting my member spring up.

She wrapped her hand around it gently, squeezing a bit.

I held in a groan as she pressed a kiss to my tip.

"I love your dick," she slurred.

I clenched my jaw.

She eventually got me off and fell back onto the couch.

She giggled, "that was soooooooo much fun, we should do it again sometimee," she kissed my lips.

Even in this state, she was just so intoxicating.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love your dick."

"Wow," I chuckled.

Generally I would've been offended but since she was drunk, I just found it funny.

"Okay your turn," she had already pulled off her pants.

I was confused until she grabbed my hand, pushing it against her and rubbing.

I sighed, pulling away before kissing her cheek.

"But Avi...... that issnt faair," she whimpered.

She grabbed my hand, doing the same thing again and this time, I just let her do it, assuming that it was okay since she was doing most of the work.

She eventually got off, grinning and moving to lay on top of me.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I loove you toooo," she smiled as I lifted her up.

I laid her down in bed as I crawled in next to her.

She began petting me as I wrapped my arms around her.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You're furry, like a kitten."

I rolled my eyes, laughing.

I fell asleep to the feeling of her in my arms, petting me.


You woke up to Avi kissing your forehead.

"Hm?" You slowly sat up.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too... oh god, what did I do last night?"

"Well," Avi began, "first of all, you are a horny little drunk."

Your face was red with embarrassment.

"What did I do?" you were nervous to hear the answer.

"First you wanted me to fuck you."

"I still kinda do," you muttered.

Avi raised his eyebrows as he continued, "you also jerked me off and said I had a nice dick."

"You really do."

He rolled his eyes.

You giggled, "I mean..."

After Avi finished the story, you were so embarrassed you buried your head in his chest.

"I love you," he kissed your temple.

"I love you too... I'm sorry I'm so horny when I'm drunk."

"It's fine, I didn't mind at all," he kissed your lips.




BassCannonKaplan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now