That's Not Okay (2)

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You woke up the next morning in Avi's bed.

Shit, I'm such a burden.

Feeling weight on you, you shifted a bit, seeing the man's strong arm around your waist. Your breathing became faster as you reached over to your phone, looking at the notifications you had.


-Where the fuck are you?

-You piece of shit, where did you fucking go?!

-I swear to god, ____, when I find your stupid ass I'm going to beat the shit out of you

-I will find you

-No other man will love you like I love you now come home so I can give you your punishment: three days, no food or water

You sighed, placing your phone back on the bedside table.

Turning back into Avi's chest, you saw him slightly smiling down at you.

"How'd you sleep?" he rubbed your face gently with his thumb.

You couldn't help but grin at his sweetness. "I slept really well, actually, after you brought me in here."

"That's good, that was the goal," he chuckled.

"Yeah," you smiled, closing your eyes.

"So, um," Avi began, "Was that your boyfriend texting you?"

You sighed, "My ex... I need to break up with him in person though."

He nodded.

"A-are you sure it's safe for you to do that?" he slightly pulled you closer.


"I'm sorry, but I saw the texts when you were looking at your phone... can I come with you to break up with him?"

"Of course."

Avi closed his eyes for a moment, relaxing his head up against the headboard.

"I'm sorry, does this make you uncomfortable? I don't want to touch you if you aren't comfortable with it..."

You giggled slightly, "No, Avi, I love it, to be completely honest. I love being held, and you're really warm soooo," you smiled at him, reaching up to gently brush your fingers through his beard.

"I'm sorry, I feel like I'm being clingy," you sat up a bit more, cuddling your head in his neck, "but I've just been through a lot."

"I understand, sweetheart," Avi wrapped you up in a hug, his hands stroking your back gently.


A few days later, Avi helped you break up with Destin. He only had to interfere once, when Destin had grabbed your shoulders. Avi had reacted quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist and swiftly maneuvering your smaller body so it was behind him.


*a few weeks later*

"Aviiiiii," you whined, walking into his room and flopping on the bed.

"What's wrong?" he asked, barely looking up from his guitar.

"I don't know," you mashed your face in his pillows, burrowing yourself into his bed.

"C'mon, tell me," he put his guitar down, moving to sit next to you.

"I guess I just feel useless... or just like, you don't get anything out of me staying here, I'm just a burden, it's not like you necessarily like me or anything."

Avi's eyes widened, "Why would you think that? I love having you here with me. Ever since my bro Kevin moved out, it's been so empty, I was lonely. Trust me, please just stay here."

"If you insist..."

Avi sighed and pulled you into his side, "you okay?" he asked.

You shrugged, wrapping an arm around his torso.

"C'mon, talk to me," he began to pull you up and into his lap.

"Wha- no- Wait I-" you struggled to get away from him as the sweet bass forced you to straddle his lap.

"Talk to me, sweetheart, please," his arms wrapped around you again as he looked into your eyes.

You sighed and simply leaned forward, laying down on his chest.

"Okay I hate to make this weird but you look adorable right now," Avi gazed down at you as your head rest on his shoulder.

"Well, you're always adorable, so."

He blushed, biting his lip.


He leaned in slowly, whispering sweet nothings into your lips before connecting them gently and happily kissing you with every ounce of his being.


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