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You cried into his arms. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

You shook your head, "I just feel like I'm holding you back.."

His eyebrows raised, "What? Baby, you aren't holding me back! I love you, you make my life so much better!"

You shook your head again and cried, "I feel like I'm making you weak, not strong.."

A tear escaped from Avi's eyes, but he quickly wiped it away. Does she really think this? He thought. "Honey, I love you so much. Trust me, you aren't holding me back."

"Prove it."

He raised his eyebrows, "Fine. ____, think about it. PTX has had so much more success since I've gotten with you. We have gotten three Grammys since you've been with me."

Avi pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

"You need to relax, sweetheart, let's go take a bath." You nodded, and stood up. The two of you walked to the bathroom, and he wrapped his arm around your waist as you were still sniffling. He turned on the bath water and both of you undressed.

As you waited for the water to get warm and fill the tub, you wrapped your arms around Avi's bare torso in a hug.

He hugged you back, before pulling away for a second. He gazed into your beautiful eyes before pressing his lips to yours softly. He pulled your hips close, holding your bare bodies together. Your hands tangled in his hair, stroking it softly.

You kissed him back sweetly, before pulling away slightly. "Babe, the bath's ready."

He nodded and got in, sitting in a way so you could lay between his legs. You sat in between his legs and leaned into his chest. He stroked your sides and massaged your shoulders. 

"I love you," you whispered.

He smiled and hummed into your ear in response. He then attached his lips to your neck, sucking gently to put your muscles at ease.

He held you as your entire body relaxed in his arms. He was still kissing your neck, but he moved his lips to your shoulder.

You moaned quietly, and moved your head slightly, leaning into him even more.

Eventually, you turned around in his lap and hugged him tightly. Avi hugged your small frame tightly, sharing all his love.

Avi's way of showing his love was cuddling you, hugging you, and kissing you. He was a very affectionate person, and he loved loving you so much. 

You accidentally moved your hips, as you were sitting on Avi's crotch, and he bit his lip, breathing out a shuddered breath.

He blushed and looked up at you with shame as his member pressed against you slightly. You simply giggled and leaned in,  pressing your lips to his softly.

"I love you baby, never forget that," he whispered.

"I love you too, sweetheart."


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