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You and Avi were playing around, wresting on the floor in the living room.

You giggled as you pushed him over onto his back, on your hands and knees hovering above him.

You bent down, kissing his lips, as he smiled, taking the opportunity to wrap an arm around your waist, using the other to push himself up, so that you were on your back, him over you.

Immediately, your ankle twisted weirdly and you winced in pain, your eyes flashing open.

"Ow, ow, ow!" you pushed Avi off you.

He gasped, backing away slowly.

You whimpered as you attempted to sit up, moving your ankle so it wasn't below you.

It was already swelling up, and a part of it was turning purple.

Avi slowly crawled over to you. You simply whimpered, causing him to stroke your cheek gently.

"I'm so sorry," he began, looking at your foot.

"Call Kevin."

"I'm so so so sorry my love," Avi kept going.

"Call Kevin," you said more firmly.

He nodded, grabbing his phone and calling Kevin.

"Um, so me and ____ were wresting and now her ankle is swollen and it's turning purple, please come help."

Avi hung up a few moments later, "He's on his way."

You nodded, trying to breathe through the pain.

"I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to," he carefully crawled closer to you. Frowning at the pain he caused, he whimpered and kissed your cheek.

"I know babe," you winced once again as you attempted to move.

"Shh, don't move around. Kevin said not to."

You sighed, nodding.

Avi wrapped his arm around your back, rubbing it, as he attempted to soothe you.

Finally, Kevin knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Avi yelled, not wanting to move from your side.

"So what exactly happened?" Kev asked as he examined your ankle.

"We were wrestling and she was on top of me so I flipped us over so I was on top of her and her ankle got slammed into a weird position..." Avi sighed.

"Okay, ____ can you move it?" Kev asked.

You nodded, slightly wiggling it along with your toes.

"That's good. Nothing's broken. I suggest you two should stop wrestling, at least for a while, and ice her ankle until it's better. Don't walk on it for a few days."

Avi nodded, "Thank you, bro," he hugged Kevin.

Kevin smiled, "Do I need to help her onto the couch or something?" he bent down, wrapping an arm around your back.

He was about to wrap one underneath your legs but Avi pushed him back, wrapped you up in his own arms.

Avi lifted you up, placing you on the couch easily.

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Ah, Avi."

Avi chuckled.


He got ice for you, resting it on your swollen ankle.

You sighed in relief, leaning your head back, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me... I'm the one who caused this."

"Avriel, stop this. I was the one who tackled you first. I started it. Let's not argue on this."

"Okay," he kissed your forehead.

"I love you," you wrapped an arm around your husband's shoulders, pulling his head against you.

"I love you too."


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