Father's Day (2)

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*one year later*

Waking up in the middle of the night to your daughter's crying, you sat up, looking to the side, you saw Avi begin to stand up.

Hopping out of bed, you blocked his way.

"No, buddy, it's Father's Day. I've got this," you pushed him back to the bed.

He smiled at you, planting a kiss on your lips as you walked out the door.

You comforted your daughter, changing her into a little onesie that said "Daddy's little girl."

Cradling her in your arms, she fell asleep, and you smiled down at her adorable sleeping face.

Suddenly warm arms wrapped around your waist. Avi nuzzled his furry chin against your shoulder, leaning against you.

"You laid (insert daughter's name here) down and watched as a faint smile brushed across her face.

Avi leaned down, kissing her forehead gently.

You smiled at him, pulling him back to bed.

"Happy father's day," you whispered as you and Avi laid back down.

You rest a hand on his chest. "Thank you baby."

"I love you," you whispered.

"I love you too."


At around 9 am, you woke up again and heard (insert daughter's name here) (sorry I didn't want to think of a name) crying, and you got out of bed, pushing Avi back onto his back so he'd sleep more.

You quickly fed your daughter before rushing downstairs to fix breakfast for your handsome husband.

You made lots of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and so much more because your dragon master was always hungry enough to eat a full-size bear.

Eventually you heard footsteps, turning around to see Avi holding your beautiful daughter.

He set her down on the floor and she slowly walked to you, being 11 months old.

You picked her up, "Hi, did you sleep well?"

She nodded, giggling and squirming.

You let her back down and she trotted over to Avi, "Happy father's day, daddy," she hugged his leg.

Avi grinned, "Thank you, (insert child nickname/name)."

Carrying the food over to the table, your daughter sat down, beginning to eat bacon.

You pulled Avi's head down to your own, "Happy father's day," you pressed your lips to yours. He kissed you back sweetly, until you both heard your child.

"Ew," she covered her eyes.

Giggling, you and Avi kissed one last time before joining her to eat.


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