Can I? (PG-13)

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You and Avi were at the club together, and the two of you were having a great time until some random dude came up to you while you and your husband were sitting on barstools.

"Hello, can I have sex with you?" he asked.

You widened your eyes, while Avi furrowed his eyebrows.

"No," you and Avi said simultaneously.

Avi pulled you closer.

"Okay, fine... would you like a threesome?" the dude asked.

Avi rolled his eyes, "Hell no."

"But bro, you could get one hole, I'd get the other. Or you could get her mouth and I'd get her vag... or vise versa."

"First of all, don't call me bro. Second, I'm not letting anyone else's dick touch my wife."

"I could fuck her better than you!" the dude came back.

"Shut. Up!" you yelled.

"Yeah!" the dude responded.

"I'm talking to you," you looked at him.

You stood up from Avi's grasp and grabbed this dude's chin.

The dude leaned down and tried to kiss you, but you slapped his cheek.

"Don't kiss me. I am not letting anyone else touch me in that way except for my beautiful and sexy husband," you glanced back at Avi for a second.

The dude rolled his eyes and walked away.

Turning back to Avi, he pulled you into a hug.

"My kitty's got claws," he whispered seductively, smirking.

Smiling, you giggled against him and kissed his lips. The two of you were literally the only two sober ones there. Everyone else was grinding on one another.

"M'lady, would you like to join these humans who are dancing on each other?"

"Of course, Avriel," you took the hand that he offered and he led you out into the dance floor.

With your back to him, he pressed himself against you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You smiled and leaned back against him, blushing at the feeling of your husband pressed up against you.

Grinding on each other, you watched all the wasted people as Avi kissed your neck.

Eventually, you saw the dude walking over to you.

He quickly grabbed you, ripping you from Avi's arms.

Avi gasped and quickly found caught your eyes, running after the dude, who had thrown you over his shoulder.

Suddenly, Scott was there and he tackled the dude roughly.

"Hey there Aviiiii," he greeted Avi drunkly.

"Scott? When did you get here?"

"I've been here for hours," he giggled.

Avi pulled you out from under the dude (and now scott).

"Hiii ____," Scott reached for you.


"That was quite a night," Avi quipped.

"Yeah. That dude really wanted to..."

"Yeah..." Avi wrapped his arms around you, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Hmm I still need to write part 2 for "Adopt"


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