Our Baby's Growing Up

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"Mom, can you do my hair?" Your daughter, Ava, asked you.

She was getting ready for prom, and she was super excited. You remembered going to prom with Avi, and you ended up marrying him. Ava was going to prom with Noah, who had been her boyfriend for 2 years. He had met you and Avi on many occasions, and the two of you loved him. 

"Of course."

After you finished putting her hair an a beautiful twisted bun, she looked at it and thanked you. "Mom, I love it! Thank you!" She hugged you, wrapping her arms around your neck. You smiled, hugging her back.

You heard Avi walking up the stairs.

"Dad! Don't come up yet! I'm putting on my dress!"

You heard him chuckle. "Okay, Ava." He stood outside the door.

Eventually, she got the dress on, and you zipped it up for her. She flashed you the beautiful smile she got from her father.

She opened the door, welcoming her dad. 

"Very pretty," he smiled, pulling her into a hug. "Thanks, dad." 

"Someone's here to see you.." He pushed the door open a little more, revealing Noah awkwardly standing there, smiling, blushing, and looking snazzy.

She smiled and ran up to him, hugging him as he hugged her back, his arms around her waist.

Avi came closer to you, placing his arm around your waist as the two of you watched the two of them converse.

"Ready to go?" Noah asked her, smiling. She nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs.

"Have fun! Don't stay out too late!" You called as the two of them headed out.

You watched them drive away, and Avi then surrounded you in a hug. You giggled slightly into his shoulder, and kissed his cheek. "Our baby's growing up," he whispered. 

You nodded, "I know, baby, but we still have Ian. He's only 8."

Avi shrugged, "They grow up so fast."

Ian was at a friend's house, so the two of you were alone. Avi pressed a kiss to the top of your head and lifted you up, carrying you upstairs. He placed you on the bed and crawled over you. He allowed himself to rest in between your legs, and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed back, cupping his cheeks in your hands.

"I love you, baby," you whispered against his lips.

He mumbled in return, before he began kissing your neck.

Eventually he pulled away from your neck and left a lingering kiss to your lips. You wrapped your legs around his hips, holding him close. He just laid down, his head on your chest, and you stroked his hair gently.

You released him and he rolled off you, rolling to his side of the bed. Avi was facing away from you, so you scooted up close to him and pressed your front to him, spooning him. You  slung an arm around his waist, snuggling into him. He chuckled and sighed, relaxing.

Soon enough, he had enough of this and rolled over, rolling you on top of him. Your head laid on his chest, and the rest of your body on his. He grabbed your hips and lifted you up, giggling. 

You slightly freaked out, as you were in the air, and he set you back down on top of him, and you clutched his shirt, breathing in his scent.

The two of you cuddled for a few hours, until you decided to go back downstairs, just to see Noah and Ava on the couch, kissing. His hands were resting on her hips as hers were holding his neck.

You glanced at Avi, just to see his mouth gaping open. You chuckled a little, and took his hand in yours. You purposely walked down the stairs loudly, making sure they would hear you, so they pulled away quickly, acting as if nothing happened.

"Hey, mom! Can Noah spend the night?" she asked hopefully.

You raised an eyebrow, "Should I trust you?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded, "Mom, what have I ever done to make you not trust me? Of course you should."

You shrugged, "Fair enough, sure. Be good children."

They then pranced up the stairs, past a still stunned Avi.

Avi slowly walked down the stairs, meeting you.

"What did we just see?"

You giggled and placed your hands on either side of his face, pulling his lips down to yours. "Young love," you whispered against his lips before connecting them to your own.


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